Reports of events

  • 15 May 2024: Conference on current family law reforms

    This conference has taken place in German language. The aim of the conference was to take a look at selected family law projects of the Federal Government and to discuss whether the Federal Government’s proposals are appropriate responses to the need of changes. Changes to maintenance law, custody and contact law and parentage law were…

  • 24 April 2024: AGF expert discussion on the design of financial benefits for family-related leaves or reductions in working hours

    On 24 April 2024, the AGF office hosted an expert discussion on alternative forms of financial compensation for family-related leave (such as parental allowance or the new family care allowance currently under discussion).The discussion centred on the question of how the different design principles of such benefits are motivated, how they work and what “side…

  • 13 March 2024: Kick-off meeting on Family and climate chnage of the National Family Forum

    The members of the National Family Forum have decided to work on the topic of Family and Climate Change for the next two years after having completed the two year work on the 2022-23 topic “Support structures for families: How are family support structures designed, organised and implemented in Germany?”. On 16 March there will…

  • 16 February 2024: Meeting on the CSA regulation proposed by the European Commission

    This meeting is jointly organised with COFACE Families Europe. It aims to bring together delegates from German family organisations and experts monitoring the CSA regulation proposed by the European Commission in May 2022 to discuss the state of the play of the negotiations with the European Parliament and Council of the EU, and enhance understanding…

  • 13 February 2024: Expert meeting on the recognition of parenthood in Europe

    On 13 February 2024, the AGF organized an expert discussion on the proposed EU Regulation on the cross-border recognition of parenthood (“Parenthood Regulation”). The AGF organisations discussed this topicwith representatives of the responsible unit within the German Ministry of Justice (BMJ) and Björn Sieverding, president of NELFA – Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations. Background…

  • 30 October 2023: Impact of European migration policy on Transnational Family Dynamics

    On 30 October 2023 in Berlin, Germany, the COAST Action network on Transnational Families Dynamics in Europe (TraFaDy) held a workshop on the impact of European migration policy on Transnational Family Dynamics. The specific occasion to have the workshop was the current debate on introducing a new migration and asylum pact in the European Union.…