19. 6. 2024: AGF expert discussion on the new non-profit housing sector
On 19 June 2024, the AGF held an expert meeting on the topic “New non-profit housing and its potential for families”. The external experts Jan Kuhnert (KUB Kommunal- und Unternehmensberatung, Hanover) and Dr Reinhard Aehnelt (Institute for Urban Research and Structural Policy, Berlin) discussed the topic with the AGF member organisations. The aim of the…
This conference has taken place in German language. The aim of the conference was to take a look at selected family law projects of the Federal Government and to discuss whether the Federal Government’s proposals are appropriate responses to the need of changes. Changes to maintenance law, custody and contact law and parentage law were…
24 April 2024: AGF expert discussion on the design of financial benefits for family-related leaves or reductions in working hours
On 24 April 2024, the AGF office hosted an expert discussion on alternative forms of financial compensation for family-related leave (such as parental allowance or the new family care allowance currently under discussion).The discussion centred on the question of how the different design principles of such benefits are motivated, how they work and what “side…
13 March 2024: Kick-off meeting on Family and climate chnage of the National Family Forum
The members of the National Family Forum have decided to work on the topic of Family and Climate Change for the next two years after having completed the two year work on the 2022-23 topic “Support structures for families: How are family support structures designed, organised and implemented in Germany?”. On 16 March there will…
16 February 2024: Meeting on the CSA regulation proposed by the European Commission
This meeting is jointly organised with COFACE Families Europe. It aims to bring together delegates from German family organisations and experts monitoring the CSA regulation proposed by the European Commission in May 2022 to discuss the state of the play of the negotiations with the European Parliament and Council of the EU, and enhance understanding…
13 February 2024: Expert meeting on the recognition of parenthood in Europe
On 13 February 2024, the AGF organized an expert discussion on the proposed EU Regulation on the cross-border recognition of parenthood (“Parenthood Regulation”). The AGF organisations discussed this topicwith representatives of the responsible unit within the German Ministry of Justice (BMJ) and Björn Sieverding, president of NELFA – Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations. Background…
30 October 2023: Impact of European migration policy on Transnational Family Dynamics
On 30 October 2023 in Berlin, Germany, the COAST Action network on Transnational Families Dynamics in Europe (TraFaDy) held a workshop on the impact of European migration policy on Transnational Family Dynamics. The specific occasion to have the workshop was the current debate on introducing a new migration and asylum pact in the European Union.…
26 October 2023: International Expert Meeting on “Innovative aspects for time policy over a families life course”
On October 26, 2023, the AGF hosted an expert discussion on innovative time policy concepts. The discussion focused on the comparison of the German “Option Time Model” and the Spanish “Time Policy Action Framework” as well as the concrete political measures derived from them to support families. Experts from Spain, Germany, France and Hungary participated…
25 October 2023: European Expert Meeting on the Care Strategy
This year’s European Expert Meeting took place in Berlin on 25 October 2023. The participants discussed the European Care Strategy, which was adopted by the European Council in December 2022. Report AGF published a comprehensive report on the meeting. Please download it here: Summary of key findings Positive impetus for care policy across all phases…
17 October 2023: General Meeting of National Family Forum
Around 40 participants from the member organizations of the Bundesforum Familie came together on 17 October 2023 at the Centre Monbijou in Berlin Mitte. The content of the network meeting was the final reflection on the 2022/23 thematic period and the selection of the new focus topic for 2024/25. Please see the German page for…
09 October 2023: Expert meeting on time concepts for families
The AGF expert discussion discussed various concepts for a better time policy for families. For setting the scene, new data was presented on parents’ wishes regarding the amount of care and paid work and its distribution within the partnership, as well as on the actual use of time by fathers and mothers with young children.…
07 September 2023: Expert Meeting on the 2nd report of the council for reconciliation of paid work and care
In July 2023, the independent council board for the reconciliation of care and work handed over its second overall report to Family Minister Lisa Paus. At the AGF’s expert discussion the participants discussed the report and its recommendations as well as the AGF’s statement and provided assessments from an extended range of experts. At the…
16 May 2023, Berlin: National Forum Family: Funding and resources for effective family support
This event will be in German. Fachforum des Bundesforum Familie„Finanzierung und Ressourcen für eine wirksame Familienunterstützung“16. Mai 2023 | Ganztags | Festsaal der Berliner Stadtmission A report will be published shortly.
15.05.2023: Conference on Family and housing
On 15 May 2023, the international day of the family, the AGF organised an event on the topic of “Family and Housing / Energy” in Berlin. In view of the burdens caused by rising housing and energy costs, the event took stock of the situation and discussed strategies and measures to improve the situation for…
14 March 2023, National Forum Family: „Family support systems: Interlocking, linking, decolumnizing: potentials and approaches from family education”
This online event was held in German. Online-Fachforum des Bundesforum Familie14. März 2023 | 10:30-15:15 | Online via Zoom Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle Mitglieder des Bundesforum Familie. InhaltFamilienunterstützende Strukturen leisten viel, ihre Potenziale scheinen jedoch lange nicht ausgeschöpft. Ein zentraler Ansatzpunkt ist eine bessere Strukturierung. Insbesondere wird eine zu starke Versäulung als Hindernis…
28.02.2023: Impulse workshop of the National Family Forum: “If the families knew what we write about them in our project applications, they wouldn’t come anymore”.
A self-reflexive look at the use of language in support structures Background It is not a minor matter how people and contexts are spoken about. Language maps values, reproduces relations, exclusions and stigmatisations, and shapes expectations, norms and ideals. This can happen subtly or brutally, unintentionally or quite consciously. Within the framework of the current…
AGF expert meeting on housing and energy
On 15 November 2022, the AGF held an expert discussion on “The impact of increasing housing and energy costs on families”. Twenty experts from research, family and welfare organisations participated. The meeting took stock of the burdens caused by rising housing and energy costs and discussed possible strategies and measures to relieve families. The expert…
27 Sept 2022: European expert meeting of the AGF in cooperation with COFACE – Families Europe on the implementation of the Child Guarantee
On 27 September 2022, COFACE – Families Europe and the AGF jointly organised an expert discussion on the implementation of the EU Child Guarantee / Child Gurantee in various European countries. Government and civil society representatives from 17 European countries took part. The event focused on the exchange of information on the status of the implementation…
06.07.2022: AGF expert discussion “Supporting parents and grandparents in transnational families
Although great progress has been made in migration research in recent decades, there are still unanswered questions regarding transnational, intergenerational support relationships. The particular difficulties faced by older people in need of care and their relatives in transnational family relationships are rarely discussed in care and family policy contexts. Furthermore, there are deficits in both…
24 June 2022: The federal government’s plans for family policyReport on the AGF conference “The federal government’s plans for family policy
On 24 June 2022, the AGF held a conference in Berlin on the federal government’s plans for family policy in the current legislative period. In the first part of the event, the guidelines of the Federal Government’s family policy were presented by the Parliamentary State Secretary, Mrs. Ekin Deligöz. In the second part, two topical…
30.03.2022: AGF expert talks on the EU Child Guarantee and its measures in the areas of “education and child care” and “housing”
Today, the AGF held two online expert discussions on the “European Child Guarantee”. A total of 26 experts from various associations, science and practice took part in the two discussions on the topics of “education / care” and “housing” of the Child Guarantee. The European Child Guarantee is the EU’s response to the high number…
Machbar-Report and conference
Today the conference for the presentation and discussion of the new “Machbar” report (“Feasable” report) of the Network 2030 took place. The main topic of the report is the nexus of nutrition, health, poverty and climate. The AGF is a member of Network 2030 and supported the report and the conference. The complex connections between…
23.09.2021: European expert discussion on the ambivalences in supporting people in need of care by foreign “live in” care workers
Report: Background On 23 September, the AGF held a European expert discussion on the ambivalences that arise from so called “live-in” arrangements to support people in need of care in their home. The perspectives of those in need of care, their relatives as well as the situation of the care workers and their families in…
30.08.2021: Expert discussion “The EU Child Guarantee and the promotion of children’s access to health goods and services in Germany”
On 30 August 2021, the AGF and the Collaborative Network for Equity in Health (Kooperationsverbund Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit) jointly held an expert discussion in Berlin on the promotion of children’s access to health initiatives, services or measures, against the background of the “European Child Guarantee”. Twenty-five experts from family associations, children’s rights organisations, science and the field…
01.07.2021: Event on the 9th German Family Report
On July 1, 2021, the conferene “Results of the 9th Family Report – Challenges for Politics” took place in Berlin. The hybrid conference, jointly organized by the AGF and the DJI (German Youth Institute), was attended by about 60 experts from science, practice and politics in person in Berlin and another 120 experts joined online.…
31.05.2021: Expert Meeting on the situation with regard to nutrition and healthy eating among children in Germany
The Association of German Family Organisations (AGF), together with the “Platform for Nutrition and Physical Activity (peb), hosted a digital expert discussion on the European “Child Guarantee”. What is the state of child nutrition in Germany? What is the content of the part of the European Child Guarantee that relates to nutrition and what must…
01.12.20: AGF Co-Organizer of event “Smart, but fair. How digitalization can bring everyone along”
On December 01, 2020, the umbrella organization of development and humanitarian non-governmental organizations (VENRO), in cooperation with other civil society associations, including the AGF, organized the online conference “smart but fair – how digitalization can bring everyone along”. Representatives from politics, civil society, business and the digital industry discussed the opportunities and risks of digital…
Report on AGF Webinar Series “Supporting families in conflict situations,separation processes and divorce proceedings”
AGF has published the documentation of its series of events on “Child Centeredness and Family Support in Conflict Situations, Separation Processes and Divorce Proceedings”. The documentation is available in German and English. In the webinar series, co-hosted by the International Commission on Couple and Family Relations (ICCFR) and the AGF and consisting of three international…
30.11.2020: AGF expert talk on support in separation processes and divorce proceedings
On November 30, 2020, the AGF held an expert discussion entitled “Family support and child-centeredness in conflict situations, separation processes and divorce proceedings”. Scientists, family lawyers, representatives of youth welfare offices, counseling centers and family associations were involved. The expert discussion focused on the question of how successful the structures of psychosocial support services and…
04., 11. and 18. 11. 2020: Webinar Series: Support for Families in the Separation Process: Cooperation instead of Confrontation – International Experiences”.
Regardless of the legal structures in a country, a successful cooperation between counseling / support services for families and judicial actors is of high importance for separation / divorce processes with as little conflict as possible. In the joint webinar series on November 4, 11 and 18 by AGF and ICCFR, some existing legal systems…
29.09.2020: AGF and COFACE: EU and national stakeholders debate the future European Child Guarantee
On 29th September in Berlin, in cooperation with COFACE Families Europe, AGF invited to an European Expert meeting to discuss a new EU policy framework in preparation: the European Child Guarantee. The aim of the Child Guarantee is to boost support for children in vulnerable situations at national level via different instruments (policy exchange, funding,…
09.09.2020: Expert Meeting on Eighth Government Report on Older People
On September 9, 2020, the AGF expert discussion Presentation of the Eighth Government Report on Older People: “Older People and Digitisation – Implications for Families and Family Associations” took place. Cordula Endter from the office of the 8th Age Report presented selected contents of the report. In addition to the AGF member associations, representatives of various…
18.05.2020: AGF Expert Meeting on the quality of All-Day child care
On May 18, 2020, the AGF held an online expert discussion on the quality of all-day child care and education at primary school age. The aim of the expert talk was to discuss quality aspects of all-day child care and education from a family perspective with representatives from science, practice and associations. The results will…
05.02.2020: Expert meeting: Family as a target group and setting for health promotion
On 5 February 2020, the “Kooperationsverbund Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit” (Cooperation Network for Equal Opportunities in Health) and AGF held a joint expert meeting on the topic “Family as a target group and setting for health promotion” Since 2003, the Cooperation Network for Equal Opportunities in Health has been working on questions of reducing health inequalities and…
30.10.2019: AGF conference “Quality of all-day care for children of primary school age”
On 30 October 2019, the AGF symposium “Quality of all-day care for children of primary school age” took place in Berlin. More than 70 participants from science, practice and politics discussed quality aspects in regards to the planned expansion of all-day care for children of primary school age. Within the framework of the German Social…
07.06.2019: AGF European Expert meeting on childcare arrangements after divorce / separation
The report of the AGF expert meeting on ton childcare arrangements after divorce / separation, that took place on June 7 this year, is available for download or in print. It is published in German / English language. The printed version can be ordered for free of charge at the AGF-office. The care arrangements for…
25.02.2019: Expert meeting on specific concerns of families with chronical sick family members
On 25 February AGF held an expert meeting on specific concerns of families with chronical sick family members. The AGF members entered an intense discussion with experts from health and family support and counceling organisations. The discussion centered on the specific concerns families having chronical sick parents or children have to deal with. Additionally it…
10.10.2018: Panel discussion on the impact of digitalisation on families (only in german)
The panel discussion debated these questions: What conflicts may arise from digital media in families? What is the best framework for families to profit from best from digitalisation and what should be done? Parents and professionals often have different perspectives and solutions on these questions. The AGF-conference on the impact of digitalisation on families was…
24.09.2018: Making a sustainable and liveable future for all
Conference and report of the network 2030 SDG of which AGF is part of. This report and conference is only available in German. Die Weltbevölkerung nimmt stetig zu und: sie wird immer städtischer. Städte gelten als Zentren der Hochtechnologie und sozio-ökonomischer Chancen. Viele Menschen in Deutschland wie auch in den Ländern des globalen Südens zieht…
02.07.2018: AGF meeting on the EU Work-Life-Balance Package
Last year, the European Commission has published its proposal for a directive on work-life balance for parents and carers with concrete measures regarding, inter alia, family related leave schemes and flexible working arrangements. If finally a directive is agreed on, this may have direct impact on national legislation, since the Member States are obliged to…
18.10.2017: AGF Conference: Families in the digital Work
On Wednesday, the 18 October, the familiy organisations invited to a conference about the ongoing digital changes in the working environment. Under the titel “Brave new world of work? Ideas for a stronger family perspective in the digital work 4.0” participants and experts from politics, academics and organisations, discussed about risks and chances particularly for…
03.07.2017: European Expert meeting on digitalization
On 3 July, AGF carried out an European Expert meeting on digitalization and family. Around 30 participants from Germany and other European countries discussed the question: “Growing up digital – How can we make the internet safe for children and young people?” The expert meeting aimed to give an overview about the situations and regulations…
17.11.2016: AGF Discussion on German subsistence level for children
On 17th November, AGF invited to a discussion with Prof. Dr. Anne Lenze and Prof. Dr. Joachim Wieland about reforms for a just subsistence level for children. Under the title “Small adaptions or a radically new system – how do we achieve a just subsistence level?”, the two experts presented critical aspects as well as…
7 – 8 Nov, Berlin: The impact of digitalisation on 21st century families
COFACE – Families Europe and AGF are jointly organising the conference ‘The impact of digitalisation on 21st century families’ on 7-8 November in Berlin. Experts and stakeholders will get together to discuss this topic, aiming to stimulate debate, put some practical examples out there, and take a peek at what the future will bring. These…
27.06.2016: European Expert Meeting on the subsistence minimum of a child
On Monday, 27 June experts from different European states discussed possibilities on meeting the subsistence minimum of a child. The meeting took place in Berlin. Besides a detailed introduction in the controversial topic, examples from Austria, Belgium, Great Brittain and France served as basis for the discussions. In nearly all European states the question needs…
30.11.2015: Conference on high quality child care
In the AGF conference on high quality day care facilities and services for children, the experts discussed an AGF paper proposal on what high quality in child care facilities means and how it can be be achieved. The number of children, particularly under the age of three, visiting day care facilities has been rising in…
25.06.2015: European Expert Meeting Good Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care
Experts from sciences, politics and organisations from different European countries discussed at the expert meeting, what good quality in early childhood education and care means and how it can be achieved. Therefore, the experiences and current developments in Finland, Scotland and Germany were presented and added by examples how to deal with ethnic diversity and…
22.-24.06.2015: ICCFR Conference in Berlin: “Changing Times: Impacts of time on family life”
The 62nd annual conference of ICCFR which was organised by in cooperation of ICCFR, AGF and WZB Berlin Social Science Center has come to an end. From 22 to 24 June about 120 participants from all continents have discussed the topics of “Changing Times: Impacts of time on family life”. International experts fromseveral countries have…
20.11.2014: 60th anniversary of AGF
On 25 March 1954, exactly 60 years ago the AGF was founded. Since then a lot has happened in family politics and of course also within the AGF. Therefore the author Vera Urban (except Part 6) looked back with a series of articles looking at the work of the AGF over the past 60 years…
17.06.2014: Expert Meeting: Family time policy as a policy field
On Tuesday, 17 June ca. 35 european experts met on invitation of AGF to discuss the implementation of a so-called “family time policy” in different european states. They had a close look on the examples of Germany, the “Benelux”-states as well as the nothern states. Additionally an important pace-setter for family time was set into…
28.03.2014: #FamiliesVOTE2014 debate on 28 March
In a joint event by COFACE, Eurofound and AGF, the publication “#FamiliesVOTE2014 – Helping you make your choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections” was launched in Berlin. Additionally a Policy Brief by Eurofound was presented to discuss how to tackle the current political distrust and disengagement of European citizens, at the same time motivate…
29.10.2013: Conference: A family friendly world of employment
On Tuesday, 29th October, the AGF organized the conference “Towards a family-friendly labor market”. In three working groups, participants discussed the right to return to full-time employment, precarious jobs and family consciousness in companies. Background of the discussions is the fact that it is mainly the labor market setting the timing for families. Duration, location…
06.-08.09.2013: AGF part of Family Convention
From 06 to 08 September, the Family Convention took place under the motto “We make the society!” in FEZ Berlin. It was organised by Lebenshilfe, AGF, Deutsches Down-Syndrom InfoCenter, Interessengemeinschaft Fragiles-X and FASD Deutschland. The Convention ended on Sunday, 8 September, with clear demands on the politicians. In a Manifesto of the families, the alltogether…
30.08.2013: Expert meeting on inclusion and housing
On Friday, 30 August 2013 European Experts met in Berlin to discuss: “No Space for Families? Inclusion and Housing”. The Expert meeting focused on the connection between the concept of inclusion and housing as well as the housing situations of families in different european countries. A close look was given to the situation in Germany,…
22.06.2012: AGF Expert Meeting on Family Reunification
According to the current EU debate, AGF has invited to an expert meeting on the right to family reunification. A special focus was on the situation in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, which have rather restrictive regulations. Participants widely critisised the implementation of the EU Directive on family reunification in these Member States. The expert meeting…
08.09.2011: The reduced VAT rate in Europe – Opportunities for Effective Support for Families
Results of the expert meeting on 08 September 2011Venue: European Commission Representation in Germany The German Association of Family Organisations (AGF) and the European Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE) invited to an expert discussion concerning the future of the reduced rate of VAT on products and services for children. The discussion…
08.09.2011: Joint event of AGF and COFACE on VAT
The AGF hosted the regular meeting of the COFACE Working Group Consumer Protection, Services and Public Health Policies in Berlin. The two-day event started with a European Expert Discussion on the issue of reduced VAT for children’s products. Attendants were, among others, representatives of the EU Commission, the European Parliament and the German Bundestag. The…
17.05.2011: 7% for Children – Reduction of taxes on children’s products
Family organizations and companies call for a reduction of VAT on typical products and services for children. Campaign start in front of the Brandenburg Gate with people forming a human Seven. It’s just the beginning: Parents and children formed a huge Seven in front of Brandenburg Gate in Berlin today, They claim: The reduced VAT…
30.11.2010: AGF-Event on Child Poverty in Germany and Europe
On 30 Nov representatives of NGO, academia and politics discussed the effects of the European Year against poverty and what needs to be done now, for an effective policy against child and family poverty. The joint event by the European Commission delegation in Germany and the AGF on the state of combating child poverty in…
19.10.2010: Alliance expert discussion for reduced VAT
More than 20 organizations and corporations met to have an intensive debate concerning reduced value added tax (VAT) on children’s products. All those present were in full agreement that this would be not only of great symbolic meaning for families but also an important relief of the financial strain. The AGF invited to the meeting,…
01.09.2010: Background discussion of AGF and European Commission
The AGF and the European Commission jointly organised a background discussion on child poverty. Representatives of NGO, of the European Commission as well as members of the European and the German Parliament were discussing in Brussels. On the day exactly a year after the successful conference on child poverty in Europe, the participants discussed central…
31.08-01.09.2009: AGF conference on Child Poverty
Cover of the documentation in german The documentation from the AGF international conference on „ Child Poverty – a European Challenge “ which took place on the 31st of August and 01st of September, 2009 now appears in both German and English. Over the course of two days experts from different European states had discussions…
Events and Conferences before 2009
Children need Future – for an Europe without Poverty! Date: 14 November 2008 The event was directed at representatives of family-political and child-political organizations as well as at well-known scientists and academics from the European member states. In focus was the exchange of ideas and exchange of experience among the masses, the causes and the…