Press Releases

  • The AGF starts the new year with Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard as its new chairman

    Berlin, 16 January 2025 – As part of the regular rotation, the Protestant Association for Family Affairs (eaf) is taking over the leadership of the Association of German Family Organizations from the German Family Association. The eaf president, Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard, was elected as the new chairperson for two years. He takes over the…

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  • AGF Director Sven Iversen confirmed as Vice-President of COFACE – Families Europe

    Berlin, 26 September 2024 – Sven Iversen, director of the German National Association of Family Organisations (AGF), was re-elected as Vice President of COFACE Families Europe on 26 September 2024. The General Assembly and other COFACE committee meetings took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 24 to 26 September 20024, accompanied by an international symposium on…

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  • World Breastfeeding Week 2024: Breastfeeding mothers need better support

    The AGF supports the World Breastfeeding Week 2024 and draws attention to the press release of the ‘Healthy start to life’ network (Netzwerk “Gesund ins Leben”. This year, AGF became a member of the network that brings together institutions, professional societies and associations to jointly promote early childhood health – from pregnancy to infancy. The…

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  • Family organisations: closing the gap between child benefit and the child tax allowance

    Berlin, 7 June 2024 – In the discussion about a further increase in the tax-free child allowance for 2024 without a simultaneous increase in child benefit, family organisations are calling for closing the gap that those two measures have in their monetary outcomes on families. This should be an important step to the goal of…

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  • Press Release: Non-discriminatory advocacy for all families needed at European level

    Year of the Family celebrates 30th anniversary: non-discriminatory advocacy for all families needed at European level Berlin, 15 May 2024 – On the occasion of International Family Day on 15 May and in view of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, the family organisations united in the Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) are…

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  • 70 years of commitment to families: AGF celebrates its anniversary

    The Association of German Family Organizations (AGF) was founded on 25 March 1954. Today, exactly 70 years later to the day, the members looked back on the history of the AGF at their general meeting and discussed the current family policy challenges in particular. The constituent meeting of the Association of German Family Organizations” took…

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  • Family Organisations call for rapid introduction of a two-weeks fathers leave

    Berlin, 05 September 2023 – The family organisations united in the AGF call on the Federal Government to immediately introduce the two-week paid leave for fathers and second parents after the birth of a child, which was agreed in the coalition agreement and has already been announced several times as “family start time”. “The family…

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  • AGF Statement on the second report by the Independent Advisory Council for the Reconciliation of Care and Work

    Berlin, 13 July 2023 – On the occasion of the presentation of the 2nd overall report of the Advisory Council, the family organisations in their statement point out the great commitment of families in caring for relatives in need of care. They emphasise the great importance of introducing a 36-month family care leave as it…

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  • Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany” falls short of expectations

    Berlin, 05 July 2023 – The family organisations united in the AGF welcome the fact that Germany today adopted its National Action Plan for the implementation of the EU Child Guarantee, despite being one of the last EU states to do so. At the same time, the associations criticise the lack of a comprehensive and…

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  • Family organisations critise the plans for cuts on parental leave allowance and other family-supporting benefits

    Berlin, July 04, 2023 – Family organisations are appalled by the coalition’s plans to place a greater burden on families by implementing restrictions on parental leave allowance and other family-supporting benefits. “This is a very bad signal to families and especially to couples planning to start a family,” says Dr. Klaus Zeh, chairman of the…

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  • Family organizations call for adequate financed and needs-based design of basic child allowance

    Berlin, 3 March 2023 – The family organizations united in the AGF call on the federal government to provide the basic child allowance agreed in the coalition agreement with sufficient financial resources to ensure that children are permanently protected from poverty. The bundling of family policy benefits and the dismantling of barriers to their use…

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  • Family organizations support call for new family care leave

    [26. 08. 2022] The family organisations united in the AGF emphasize the importance of a family care leave with an appropriately high and socially balanced financial compensation. On the occasion of the delivering of a substudy report by the “independent advisory coucil for reconciliation of care and professional work” to family minister Lisa Paus the…

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  • EU facilitates reduction of VAT on children’s products – a good opportunity for the German government

    [6. 4. 2022] On 05 April 2022, the European Council adopted a revision of the VAT Directive. This will make it easier in future for national governments to apply the reduced VAT rate, especially on children’s clothing and footwear. The family organisations demand that the Federal Government implements these possibilities quickly.  “The Federal Government must…

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  • EU Child Guarantee: Broad alliance calls for ambitious overall strategy to combat child poverty in Germany

    [10. 2. 2022] On February 10 2022, the German Family Organisations together with numerous other organisations, calls on the German Federal Government to take the development of the National Action Plan on the EU Child Guarantee, an overall strategy to combat child poverty in Germany. AGF welcomed the decision in June 2021 by the German…

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  • Law on full day child care is coming – Work on the quality of all-day programs for elementary school children must begin

    [10. 09. 2021] The family organisations united in the AGF welcome the fact that, with today’s decision by the Bundesrat, the entitlement to all-day care for children of primary school age has been passed before the end of this legislative period. Now the work on the quality of the offer, which has received too little…

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  • AGF welcomes the European Child Guarantee and call on swift implementation

    [14. 6. 2021] The family organizations united in the AGF welcome today’s decision of the EU Member States to introduce a European Guarantee for Children. With this decision, which was preceded by a proposal of the European Commission, the Member States commit themselves to an intensive fight against child poverty and its consequences for the…

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  • Sidonie Fernau new Chairwoman of AGF

    [12. 2. 2021] As part of the rotational change, the Association of Binational Families and Partnerships, iaf e. V. takes over the chairmanship of the Association of German Family Organizations for 2021 and 2022. The AGF starts the new year with its new chairwoman Sidonie Fernau. New deputy chairwoman is its predecessor, Daniela Jaspers of…

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  • National and state AGFs jointly call for legal entitlement to high-quality all-day care at primary school age

    [10. 2. 2021] In a joint open letter, the Associations of German Family Organisationsat federal and state levels are calling for the introduction of a legal entitlement to all-day care for children of primary school age. They urge the federal and state governments to successfully conclude the negotiations currently taking place on such a legal…

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  • German EU Council Presidency: Focus must be on families

    [24. 6. 2020] On occasion of the start of the German Council Presidency, which begins on 1 July 2020, the AGF family organizations call on the federal government to place the family at the center of its activities and to take decisive steps forward with the so-called child guarantee. “The Corona crisis has shown impressively…

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  • Open letter to members of German Parliament on a right for all day care

    [24. 6. 2020] In an open letter to members of the German Bundestag on 12 June, family organizations pointed out the importance for families of the legal right to all-day care for children of primary school age and emphasized that the quality-related conditions must be designed in such a way that a high quality of…

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  • Responsible, stepwise procedure reopening daycare centres and schools

    [6. 5. 2020] On 30 April 2020, the Federal and state ministers for family affairs discussed measures to contain the coronavirus and to gradually return to normal daycare and school life. Today, Wednesday 6 May, the Federal Government and the states (Bundesländer) decide on a procedure for this. AGF supports a criteria-based, stepwise reopening of…

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  • Dnieal Jaspers new Chairwoman of AGF

    [31.10.2019] At the general meeting on Oct. 29, 2019, Daniela Jaspers was unanimously elected chairwoman of the Association of German Family Organizations (AGF). Ms. Jaspers has been chairwoman of the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers, Bundesverband e.V. since June 2019, which is the AGF’s lead organization for 2019 and 2020. Vice chairman of the…

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  • Family Organisations warn against hidden tax rises for family education services

    [27. 9. 2019] On the occasion of the first reading of the draft law on tax incentives for electromobility, the AGF warns against the hidden increase of the sales tax for educational offers. Non-profit family education would thus experience massive negative consequences that would be diametrically opposed to the goals of educational offerings. “The omission…

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  • Family organisations support call for better reconciliation of long term care and professional work

    Berlin, 27 August 2019 – The associations united in the AGF support the demands of the Independent Advisory Council for the Reconciliation of Long Term Care and Work, whose report was published today. In particular, they emphasise the importance of a care leave with adequate financial compensation. The Independent Advisory Council on Reconciliation of Care…

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  • AGF talks to Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier

    [07. 5. 2019] Today the presidents and chairwomen of the AGF members organisations met Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier for a fruitful discussion. Child and family poverty as well as the role of families in the democrathy were put into the center of the meeting. The family organisations highlighted the importance of families and the…

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  • Joint positioning on the new EU work-life balance Directive

    [09. 4. 2019] On 4 April the European Parliament adopted the new EU work-life Balance Directive. It introduces new and strengthened rules for reconciliation of famliy and work life. AGF, jointly with German Women’s Council, Federal Men’s Forum, Family Future Forum, and German Trade Union Confederation comments the results.  Joint positioning of Association of German Family…

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  • AGF meets chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel

    [26. 2. 2019] Today, the family organisations united within the AGF met German chancellor Angela Merkel for an exchange of views and opinions. The talks mainly focused differents aspects of monetary support for children and their families, quality of child care, reconciliation of family and professional work as well as care for the elderly. The…

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  • AGF is heading into the new with new board

    January 15, 2019 – As part of the rotational change, the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers took over the leadership of the Associations of German Family Organizations at the beginning of the year. With their new chairwomen Erika Biehn as well as with Ulrich Hoffmann, president of the family federation of the Catholiken, as…

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  • “Good ECEC law” unfortunately is not a good ECEC law

    [18. 9. 2018] On the occasion of the “Gute-Kita-Gesetz” (Good Childcare Act), which is to be passed by the Federal Cabinet tomorrow, the organisations within the Association of German Family Organisations regret that the government is missing its targets with its draft bill. “With good intentions, the Minister of Family Affairs has once set out…

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  • Family organisations: Work-Life-Balance Package has to be supported

    [18. 6. 2018] The family organisations urge the German govenment to support the work-life-balance package on the next meeting of the European Council on 21 June. This is clained by the organisations in the run-up to the meeting on which the states will have a decision on the initiaitive. A positive decision is not yet…

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  • Joint letter on reunification of refugee families

    [11. 6. 2018] On occasion of the public hearing and the parliamentary process on the reunification of refugee families AGF, the Federation of German Trade Unions, Diakonie Germany, the German league for the child, the Association of German Development NGOs and the Central Committee of German Catholics pledge jointly for not accepting the draft proposal…

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  • Draft law on Reunifaction of refugee families should be reworked

    [8. 5. 2018] The family organisations ask the members of the federal cabinet to rework the draft law on the subsequent immigration of refugee families and not to agree on the restriction of reunification. Instead of juggling with abstract numbers on the back of the families, Germany should help to protect families from crises areas…

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  • AGF family organisations for a better quality in kindergartens

    [29. 8. 2017] In regard of the 10th anniversary of the so called ‘Krippengipfel’ from 2007, which led to an entitlement for children under three years to attend a kindergarten, and in combination with the current Ländermonitor of the Bertelsmann-Foundation, the family organisations emphasize the need of a high quality in early childhood education and…

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  • Family organisations on fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth: Fighting child poverty is a first order task

    [28. 6. 2017] Today the Fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth in Germany is presented and discussed in the German Bundestag. Against that background, the family organsation represented by AGF appeal to make the fight against child poverty a first order task, which also finds its way into the next coalition agreement and therefore has…

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  • Fighting child poverty with a general action plan

    [2. 6. 2017] In regard of todays debate in the Bundestag about the Fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth in Germany, AGF and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk point out the necessity of a comprehensive action plan against child poverty, combining the forces of all relevant ministries. In a letter to the chairs of the parties and groups…

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  • Refugees must have a right to family reunification!

    [28. 4. 2017] The General Assembly of AGF appeals to the German Bundestag to take care of the unity of the family also for refugees.  Regarding its plenary session, at which such a proposal of the opposition parties was said to be discussed, the family organisations of AGF called for a rollback of the given…

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  • Joint declaration on quality standards in daycare facilities for children

    [28. 3. 2017] On occasion of the 2017 German Child and Youth Welfare Congress 27 welfare, children rights, social and familiy organisations as well as trade unions jointly call for mandatory, nationwide consistent and scientificly sound standards in child care facilities. The organisations welcome the results that have been made by the state and federal…

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  • Joint declaration by ten organisations on right to limit part-time work

    [14. 2. 2017] The family organizations along with nine organizations support the legislative proposal by the German Ministry of Labour, which aims to give a possibility to employees to limit the time period they work in part-time. In a joint declaration of AGF, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, Deutschen Frauenrat, Sozialverband Deutschlands, Arbeiterwohlfahrt, Diakonie Deutschland, Bundesforum Männer, Verband…

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  • Right to return from part-time up to the original working time

    [19. 1. 2017] The family organisations of AGF ask for a possibility for employees, that eases their way back to full time after they had reduced their working hours. On occasion of the current data of the German statistic agency on working hours and individual working hour preference, the organisations support the legislative initiative of…

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  • Stefan Becker takes over as Chairman of the AGF

    Stefan Becker [3. 1. 2017] Stefan Becker is new chairman of AGF. As scheduled, the general leadership of AGF is exchanged on rotation between the members of  AGF. After two years the evangelische arbeitsgemeinschaft familie (eaf) has given over to the “Familienbund der Katholiken” (FDK). President of FDK is Stefan Becker, who, therefore, has taken…

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  • Joint declaration on quality standards in daycare facilities for children

    [15. 11. 2016] 16 family organisations, children rights organisations, social welfare organisations and trade unions call for quality standards in daycare facilities for children. Jointly they welcome the process that was started by the state on national and federal level to increase the quality in child care and expect concrete outcomes. The joint declaration has…

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  • Press Release on advance maintenance payment and child benefit supplement

    [12. 10. 2016] On the occasion of the government’s decision to raise child tax allowance, child benefit and child benefit supplement, the AGF calls not to forget the announced reform of advance maintenance payment for children. A draft law has to be released quickly and must not be dropped because of disagreements on its financing…

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  • Position paper on high quality child care

    [7. 4. 2016] On occasion of the current debate on quality child care facilities AGF has published a position paper. The German family organisations aim for high quality child care facilities. Therefore in their position paper they suggest concrete criteria for quality standards. The English version of the position paper can be downloaded here Areas…

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  • Meeting the additional needs of children of separated parents

    [18. 3. 2016] The German Federal Council (Bundesrat) today discussed a draft bill on the simplification of the social code book II (basic social benefits). On this occasion the German family organisations ask for an benefit meeting the particular additional needs of children of separated parents, if the parents receive basic social benefits. The current…

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  • Joint declaration on part time work

    [7. 3. 2016] AGF has published a joint declaration with Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB), Deutscher Frauenrat (DF), Bundesforum Männer,  Zukunftsforum Familie (ZFF) an Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) promoting improved measurements für employees who want to increase their working hours when working in partime. By this employees shall be supported, who reduced their full-time positions to part-time in…

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  • No restriction of family reunification for refugees!

    [18. 2. 2016] The family organisations appeal to the Members of Parliament not to agree to the restrictions of family reunification as planned in the law called Asylpaket II. Children and Families will thus be forced to the dangerous flight themselves and a successful integration for those already accepted in Germany will be considerably more…

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  • Family organizations call for special attention for refugee families

    [22.10.2015] The German Family Organisations call for special support for refugees families and for a special attention of their particular needs regarding accommodation, care and life after their flight. This message was sent by the family organisations from their members assembly. AGF calls for recognizing refugee children and families as such. The unity of families,…

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  • Keine „Schwarze Null“ auf dem Rücken der Familien

    [24. 3. 2015] (Press release unfortunatley only in German) Die in der AGF zusammengeschlossenen Familienorganisationen lehnen den Vorschlag des Finanzministers zum „Familienpaket“ als unzureichend ab. Sie fordern das Bundeskabinett anlässlich der bevorstehenden Entscheidung auf, stattdessen den Koalitionsvertrag und die verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben orientiert an den Bedürfnissen der Familien umzusetzen. „Was Herr Schäuble in puncto Kindergelderhöhung vorgeschlagen…

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  • Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel new AGF chair

    Unfortunately only available in German! [7. 1. 2015] Die AGF startet mit einer neuen Vorsitzenden in das Jahr 2015. Turnusgemäß hat die evangelische arbeitsgemeinschaft familie (eaf) zum Jahreswechsel die Federführung für die Jahre 2015 und 2016 vom Deutschen Familienverband (DFV) übernommen. Neue Vorsitzende ist Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel, Präsidentin der eaf. Die Federführung wechselt alle zwei Jahre…

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  • Familiy orientated world of work instead of family planning on ice

    [24. 10. 2014] On occasion of the discussions on the proposal of companies, to pay for the ova freezing of their employees for a postponed pregnancy, the family organisations declare: This “social freezing” is the totally wrong aproach in the sense of a family orientated working world. Instead, they argue for aproaches that allow having…

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  • Family organizations in discussion with the Federal Chancellor

    Unfortunately only available in German! [23. 10. 2014] Am Tag ihrer Mitgliederversammlung trafen sich am gestrigen Mittwoch die Präsidentinnen und Präsidenten sowie die Vorsitzenden der fünf Mitgliedsverbände der AGF zu einem konstruktiven Gespräch mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Dabei standen die Themen Familien im demografischen Wandel und familienorientierte Arbeitswelt im Zentrum des Dialogs. „Familien sind die…

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  • 20 years International Year of the Family – from being ‘other stuff’ to being the cornerstone of society

    [15. 5. 2014] On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family the German family organisations warn not to rest on the laurels of single measures but to continue to work consistently and effectively towards a family-friendly society. Even though family policy has moved quite a bit in the last…

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  • Press Release AGF on right of return to full time

    [30. 10. 2013] The family organizations call for a detailed right to return in order to facilitate employees’ way back into full-time employment after having opted for a part-time job. At its meeting today, the General Assembly of the AGF adopted a corresponding resolution. Berlin, 30.10.2013 – “In light of the considerable efforts of families…

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  • Joint press release of the partners of the Lebenshilfe Congress “Society becomes family-friendly and inclusive!”

    Unfortunately only available in German! — Kongress der Lebenshilfe und ihrer Partner schließt mit einem Manifest der Familien Berlin, 08. Sept. 2013. „Wir machen Gesellschaft“: Unter diesem Titel hatten die Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Familienorganisationen (AGF), das Deutsche Down-Syndrom InfoCenter, die Interessengemeinschaft Fragiles-X sowie FASD Deutschland vom 6. bis zum 8. September zu…

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  • Strengthening Families to meet Challenges of Demographic Change

    [14. 5. 2013] Due to the demography summit of the German Federal Government today, the Association of German Family Organisations published a press release. The family organisations support the strengthening of families as a crucial measure of demographic policy. However, the government seems to work rather half-heartedly on this object. In occasion of the Federal…

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  • Familiengipfel: for a family friendly economy, it needs more than flexible working hours

    [13. 3. 2013] The AGF comments on the Familiengipfel of the German Federal Government with a press release, stating that there remains still a lot to be done to realize a family friendly ecomony. Further information follow here. Regarding the recent Familiengipfel of the German Federal Government, the AGF points out that there remains still…

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  • Report on Poverty and Wealth: Children and young people mostly affected by poverty

    [26. 2. 2013] Refering to the political debate last Thursday on the 4th Report on Poverty and Wealth at Bundestag, the AGF called on the German Federal Government to consider the question of poverty seriously. Especially the high risk of poverty among children shows disastrous effects – for the children themselves as well as for…

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  • Dr. Klaus Zeh new AGF Chairman

    Unfortunately only available in German! — [2. 1. 2013] Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Familienorganisationen startet mit einem neuen Vorsitzenden in das neue Jahr. Turnusgemäß wechselt die Federführung zwischen den Mitgliedern der AGF. In den Jahren 2013 und 2014 übernimmt der Deutsche Familienverband (DFV) die Federführung vom Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften. Neuer Vorsitzender ist Dr.…

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  • Family Organisations call for good and sufficient childcare in the school holidays

    [4. 7. 2012] The family organisations joint in AGF raise awareness to the fact, that now for many parents the stressful search for a suitable holiday care for their children starts. This problem results from the absence of enough places in facilities and care possibilities in Germany. Summertime also is time for holiday. So now…

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  • Germany’s targets for combating poverty remain insufficient

    [13. 4. 2012] The Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) e.V. criticizes the German National Reform Programme for setting insufficient targets for the reduction of poverty in Germany. The AGF demands adequate and serious measures from the government in the combating of poverty and social exclusion. The current National Reform Programme (NRP 2012), which will…

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  • AGF Position on the Future of Care

    [28. 3. 2012] Today, the Federal Government will discuss the recent draft law on the reform of care. The reform shall come into force on 1 January 2013. The main topics of the proposals are better services for persons with dementia and their care-giving relatives as well as the future financing of the care insurance.…

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  • Press relaese on 8th Family Report

    [14. 3. 2012] The Association of the German family organizations supports the purpose of the 8th Family Report published today by German Government, to establish the solution to family time conflicts as a social task. Unfortunately, the report has a rather weak effect in light of the political cut back guidelines, major reservations concerning the…

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  • Angela Merkel answers Manni Kaltz via YouTube

    Unfortunately only available in German! — Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Bündnisses “7 % für Kinder” Fußball-Legende fordert familiengerechte Mehrwertsteuer Berlin, 11.11.2011 Der Bürgerdialog auf dem YouTube-Kanal der Bundesregierung erreicht in Kürze seinen Höhepunkt. Seit heute Mittag stehen die zehn beliebtesten Fragen an AngelaMerkel fest, eine Beantwortung soll ab 18. November 2011 per Video-Botschaft erfolgen. Fußball-Legende Manfred…

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  • Parents should make use of education package

    [8. 9. 2011] Press release of AGF that encourages parents to use of the German educational package, even though it is far from being perfect. At the same time speedy processing of applications is required in the municipalities. The family organisations united within the AGF, call at this, the start of the school year for…

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  • Joint Press Release for new campaign on Reducing VAT for children’s products

    [17. 5. 2011] Family organizations and companies call for a reduction of VAT on typical products and services for children. Campaign start in front of the Brandenburg Gate with people forming a human Seven. It’s just the beginning: Parents and children formed a huge Seven in front of Brandenburg Gate in Berlin today, They claim:…

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  • Germany’s targets on the fight against poverty are set too low

    [27. 4. 2011] The Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) e.V. criticizes the German National Reform Programme for setting insufficient targets and demands adequate and serious measures against poverty and social exclusion from the Federal Government. The National Reform Programme (NRP 2011), which the federal cabinet adopted on the 6th of April, names the national…

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  • Bettina Müller-Sidibé new AGF Chairwoman

    New Chairwoman of AGF: Bettina Müller-Sidibé 18.01.2011] The Association of Binational Families and Partnerships in 2011/12 took over the rotating chairmanship of AGF. The AGF heads into the new year with its new chairwoman, Bettina Müller-Sidibé. The family associations, that are  combined in the AGF met at the end of 2010, at its general assembly to…

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  • Joint press release of the alliance “7% for children” on the occasion of the World Children’s Day Festival

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  • Recipients of parental allowance threatened by the loss of residual claims

    [26.11.2010] All parents, who provide for parental allowance to be disbursed over a period of 24 months, instead of 12 months, forfeit their right to a residual claim. See further information in AGF press release. The Federal Government’s savings package will treat the parental allowance for recipients of SGB II benefits, as personal income.  In…

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  • The right to custody only on a claim

    [25.10.2010] The organisations combined in the Association of the German Family Organizations (AGF) e.V. are voting for the so-called “petition model” as the proposed draft law for the restructuring of the law on child custody. With regard to the custody of children of parents who are not married to each other a draft law by…

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  • Family Organisations: crisis must be occasion for long-term concepts

    [04.06.2010] The current savings suggestions and cut backs, meet with a lack of comprehension from those family organisations united in the AGF. They are pleading, instead, for a future oriented policy which puts the interests of the next generations in the foreground. “Now, above all, where the sense of future investments is evident the discussion…

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  • Family organizations welcome the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Hartz IV

    [09.02.2010] Family organizations welcome the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Hartz IV (unemployment benefit) articles on the standard (support) rates for children, and suggest dialog for its reworking. The family organizations united in the AGF welcome today’s judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court as an important corner stone in relation to children…

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Press Releases before 2010 are only available in German