EuropaNews April 2023

The AGF EuropaNews issue for April 2023 was published today. We cover the EU Commission’s infringement proceedings for implementing the Work-life Balance Directive, the EU parliament’s impact assessment on the proposed EU law against sexuel abuse and more news on family and social policy. We also recommend current publications and forthcoming events on those topics. Unfortunately, EuropaNews is only available […]

EuropaNews March 2023

EuropaNews’ latest issue was published today. We cover the EU parliaments’ resolution proposal on adequate minimum income and the EU child guarantee’s implementation process. We also inform about EU’s assessment after one year of granting temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees and a study by the FRA on Ukranian people’s experiences after coming to the EU. As usual you will also […]

Podium auf der COFACE Veranstaltung zu inklusiver Bildung

COFACE Families Europe Conference and internal meetings on 27-29 March 2023

The COFACE Families Europe conference on “Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Europe” took place in Monza, Italy, jointly organised with the Italian organisation A.I.A.S. Taking the Italian system as a starting point for discussion with European peers, the event brought together organisations of families of persons with disabilities and service providers, education professionals, persons with disabilities and their families and […]

15.05.2023: Conference on Family and housing

On 15 May 2023, the AGF is having an event on the topic of “Family and Housing / Energy” in Berlin. In view of the burdens caused by rising housing and energy costs, the event will take stock of the situation and discuss strategies and measures to improve the situation for the famiies. The conference and the following information are […]

Family organisations support call for National Education Summit

Together with 53 other organizations, the AGF supports the appeal initiated by six foundations to convene a National Education Summit. In the appeal, initiated by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Deutsche Telekom Foundation, Karg Foundation, Robert Bosch Foundation, Vodafone Foundation Germany and the Wübben Foundation, the foundations call for urgent political action in view of the major problems in the education system […]

AGF Pressemitteilung

Family organizations call for adequate financed and needs-based design of basic child allowance

Berlin, 3 March 2023 – The family organizations united in the AGF call on the federal government to provide the basic child allowance agreed in the coalition agreement with sufficient financial resources to ensure that children are permanently protected from poverty. The bundling of family policy benefits and the dismantling of barriers to their use are important components of the […]

AGF EuropaNews February 2023

In our February issue of EuropaNews we cover the latest steps in the EU child guarantee’s implementation process, the recommendation on adequate minimum income and recent developments in creating a UN convention on the rights of older people. As usual we also inform about family and social policy news on the European level and from the member states. We also […]

General Meeting of “Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe” network from 22-24.02.2023

The interdisciplinary network “Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe” (TraFaDy), founded on 3 October in the framework of the European COST Action programme, met for the first time for a general meeting to which all participants had been invited. In the course of the in person meeting that was held from 22 to 24 February, numerous meetings of the different groups […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

European Child Guarantee: Overview of selected aspects of the National Action Plans

To combat child poverty, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union decided in 2021 to establish a “European Child Guarantee”. It aims to “prevent and combat social exclusion by guaranteeing access for children in need to a range of essential services, thereby also contributing to the protection of children’s rights by tackling child poverty […]

AGF EuropaNews January 2023

This year’s first issue of EuropaNews was published today. We cover the EU child guarantee’s implementation process and the EESC’s statement on the care strategy. We also point to the UN’s call for contributions to the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing. As usual, we also inform about family and social policy developments in Europe and recommend current publications and events. […]