Family organizations support concept for an “Education Dialogue for Germany”

The AGF is part of an alliance of 94 organizations that today presented a concept for an “Education Dialogue for Germany”. The Family organisations share the conviction that a transformation of the German education system is urgently needed, and that this can only be achieved with the combined forces of politics and civil society.

To this end, the #NeustartBildungJetzt initiative has now presented concrete ideas for a continuous and integrative dialog process. The “Education Dialogue for Germany” ties in directly with the appeal for a National Education Summit from March 2023. The family organizations have already supported this as well.

The aim of the paper that has now been presented is to identify new ways of working together with politicians and civil society to find a solution to the massive challenges facing the German education system.

The basic idea behind the concept is cooperation – both between the different political levels and departments, as well as between politics and civil society. The organizations behind the “Education Dialogue for Germany” are willing to actively contribute their respective expertise and experience to the reform process in order to provide the best possible support to policymakers and find holistic solutions.

In keeping with its open character, the concept deliberately refrains from making substantive reform proposals, but instead focuses on shaping the dialog process. With a view to the educational sovereignty of the federal states, the organisations suggest that the federal states initiate the process – for example as part of the Conference of Minister Presidents. Steering could be the responsibility of the relevant conferences of education ministers at the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) and the Conference of Youth and Family Affairs Ministers (JFMK). In the first step of the dialog, the participants would have to agree on common fields of action. A large part of the substantive work would be carried out in specialist forums in which stakeholders from politics, local authorities, administration, educational institutions, associations, academia and trade unions are represented and whose composition varies depending on the subject area. The results from the expert forums are compiled at regular top-level meetings of politicians and civil society and condensed into concrete goals – for example policy measures, for example.

Downloads and further information (all in German)

Download of the concept

List of all supporting organisations

Website of the alliance #NeustartBildungJetzt including further information