Logo 70 Jahre AGF

70 years of commitment to families: AGF celebrates its anniversary

The Association of German Family Organizations (AGF) was founded on 25 March 1954. Today, exactly 70 years later to the day, the members looked back on the history of the AGF at their general meeting and discussed the current family policy challenges in particular. The constituent meeting of the Association of German Family Organizations” took place on 25 March 1954 […]

EuropaNews February 2024

In the February issue of EuropaNews, we report on several decisions at European and national level that have made progress or have stalled again. These include the fight against sexual violence against women and children, the supply chain law against child labor, marriage for all and abortion rights. As always, there are also new studies and event dates. We wish […]

13 February 2024: Expert meeting on the recognition of parenthood in Europe

On 13 February 2024, the AGF organized an expert discussion on the proposed EU Regulation on the cross-border recognition of parenthood (“Parenthood Regulation”). The AGF organisations discussed this topicwith representatives of the responsible unit within the German Ministry of Justice (BMJ) and Björn Sieverding, president of NELFA – Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations. Background In her State of the […]

EuropaNews January 2024

The first issue of EuropaNews for 2024 was published today. It is an intense election year with elections to the European Parliament and in 76 countries worldwide, more than in any previous year. It is also the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the 70th anniversary of the AGF and the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the […]

Bild der Übergabe der Abschlusspublikation des Bundesforums Familie an Ulrike Bahr

Publication “Support structures for families” presented by the National Family Forum to the Chairwoman of the Family Committee

On 15 January, Elena Gußmann, the project coordinator of the National Family Forum, and Sven Iversen, Managing Director of the Association of German Family Organisations, presented the final publication of the thematic period completed at the end of 2023 to Ulrike Bahr, Chairwoman of the Family Committee in the Bundestag. The National Family Forum is a network of 120 organisations […]

Dr. Klaus Zeh beim Neujahrsempfang des Bundespräsidenten

Dr Klaus Zeh at the Federal President’s New Year’s reception

The Chairman of the Association of German Family Organisations, Dr Klaus Zeh, was invited to the Federal President’s traditional New Year’s reception at Bellevue Palace on 11 January 2024. In the brief discussion with Federal President Dr Frank Steinmeier, he emphasised the vital importance of families in and for society and highlighted their current often difficult position in the face […]

AGF EuropaNews December 2023

The last issue of EuropaNews for this year was published today. It deals with controversial topics such as recognising parenthood across the borders of EU member states, children’s rights in the EU migration pact and the rights of older people. 2023 was a year in which crises continued to multiply, from the war in Ukraine to that in Israel and […]

Cover BFF-Broschüre

New publication by the National Family Forum: “Support structures for families – objectives, access, services”

In 2022/2023, the members of the National Forum Family worked on the thematic focus “Support structures for families: How are family support structures designed, organised and implemented in Germany?” This now published publication summarises the process, which consisted of specialist events and working group meetings. Among other things, the publication emphasises how important it is to have the political will […]

EuropaNews November 2023

AGF EuropaNews’ 150th issue was published today. In this November issue we cover the EU parliaments’ resolution proposal on strengthening parent’s cross border rights and the commission’s recommendations for tackling energy poverty in the EU. We also inform about ESPANS’s study on the accessibility of key services covered by the European Child Guarantee. As usual you will also learn about […]