EuropaNews July 2023

EuropaNews’ July issue covers the EU Commissions’ plans for a better long time care and its proposal for revised regulations on the safety of toys. We also inform about Lithuania’s NAP for implementing the EU child guarantee an other news on family and social policy from the European countries. As usual we also recommend current publications and events on social […]

Family organisations critise the plans for cuts on parental leave allowance and other family-supporting benefits

Berlin, July 04, 2023 – Family organisations are appalled by the coalition’s plans to place a greater burden on families by implementing restrictions on parental leave allowance and other family-supporting benefits. “This is a very bad signal to families and especially to couples planning to start a family,” says Dr. Klaus Zeh, chairman of the Association of German Family Organizations, […]

EuropaNews June 2023

In EuropaNews‘ current issue we cover the EU’s plans to change their migration and asylum policies and children’s rights organisations critical reactions. We also point to the commission’s plans to ensure the rights of adults in need of protection during cross-border procedures. As usual we inform about developments in family and social policy on the EU level and in the […]

Keinen Aufschub in Bildungskrise

Alliance renews call for National Education Summit

The joint call, which was supported by the family organisations and launched in March 2023, has been joined by more than 30 additional organizations.It is now supported by almost 90 organizations. The broad circle of foundations, associations and trade unions calls on the heads of government of the German states and the German Chancellor to initiate the urgently needed, fundamental […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

AGF-Statement on the German draft National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”

For the family organisations within the AGF, the European Child Guarantee is an important instrument both for combating child poverty in Germany and for at least mitigating the social inclusion deficits of children and young people. It was for this reason that the AGF made its voice heard very early by setting up a series of workshops and producing recommendations […]

EuropaNews May 2023

In the May issue of Europa News we cover the Council’s decisions on the EU’s youth policy and the European Education Area. We also inform about the Parliament’s Resolution for a roadmap on a social Europe. As usual we keep you updated on family and social policy in European countries and recommend current publications and events on these topics. Unfortunately, […]

15.05.2023: Conference on Family and housing

On 15 May 2023, the international day of the family, the AGF organised an event on the topic of “Family and Housing / Energy” in Berlin. In view of the burdens caused by rising housing and energy costs, the event took stock of the situation and discussed strategies and measures to improve the situation for the famiies. Presentations on the […]

Family Organisations support call for high quality implementation of the law on all-day care for children of primary school age

The family organisations support hte call for high-quality implementation of the law on all day care and education for children of primary school age that was published today. More than 30 organisations and trade unions signed the call, wich highlights the importance of a high quality all day care and education. The call is published against the background that from […]