The family organisations support hte call for high-quality implementation of the law on all day care and education for children of primary school age that was published today. More than 30 organisations and trade unions signed the call, wich highlights the importance of a high quality all day care and education. The call is published against the background that from 2026 children of primary school age are entitled to full day care and education. This right is an important educational, family and social policy measure of the Federal Government and the Länder, and constitutes a logical step after having introduced the legal entitlement to a place in day care for children under three years of age.
Now. it is needed to make use of the time until this right enters effect and build the right tracks based on the triad of teaching, care and upbringing to form quality all-day offers for the advancement and care of primary school children. Only this can be an attractive offer for children and their families and invite them to make use of it.
The organisations highlight that good all-day education, care and upbringing focus on the needs of the children and promote the acquisition of far-reaching competences that enable the children to actively and sustainably shape their world. Therefore an essential prerequisite for success is a cooperative relationship between schools and child and youth welfare institutions, in the sense of a common understanding of education. They add, that the environment of the institution (e.g. district, village, nature), the services of other institutions (e.g. sports clubs, cultural institutions, youth associations and facilities) and virtual spaces all have to be included conceptually and structurally and made available to the children as spaces for appropriation and experience
The call particularly addresses:
- Common understanding by schools and child and youth welfare services
for all-day education and care - Qualified professionals in all-day education
- Regulatory framework
- Cooperation at all levels of the system
- Concept and quality development
- Staff
- Rooms and catering
The undersigned associations and organisations stress the great relevance of these recommendations. The objective must be to fulfil them simultaneously with the introduction of the legal entitlement, because the potential for the participation and personal development of young people, as well as the added value for society as a whole of this educational, family and socio-political project, can only be ensured through high-quality all-day programmes. The signatories signal their willingness to contribute their expertise, practical knowledge and many years of experience to this end.