Press relaese on 8th Family Report

[14. 3. 2012] The Association of the German family organizations supports the purpose of the 8th Family Report published today by German Government, to establish the solution to family time conflicts as a social task. Unfortunately, the report has a rather weak effect in light of the political cut back guidelines, major reservations concerning the federal policy as well as […]

EU Consultation on Family Reunification

[23. 2. 2012] Up until 1st March 2012, the EU Commission is running a public consultation on the right to family reunification of third-country nationals living in the EU. The AGF has published its statement today. The Consultation refers to the EU Directive on family reunification (Directive 2003/86/EG), adopted in 2003. The Directive defines the conditions of entry and residence […]

AGF takes position to Advanced Child Maintenance

[17. 2. 2012] The recent draft law on simplifing bureaucracy of advanced child maintenance is critisised by the AGF. The planned changes will hardly lead to improvements for the children of single parents. Basic problems remain unsolved. The Federal Government will in future consider payments to third parties when advanced child maintenance is applied for. Thus, there will be increasing […]

Angela Merkel answers Manni Kaltz via YouTube

Unfortunately only available in German! — Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Bündnisses “7 % für Kinder” Fußball-Legende fordert familiengerechte Mehrwertsteuer Berlin, 11.11.2011 Der Bürgerdialog auf dem YouTube-Kanal der Bundesregierung erreicht in Kürze seinen Höhepunkt. Seit heute Mittag stehen die zehn beliebtesten Fragen an AngelaMerkel fest, eine Beantwortung soll ab 18. November 2011 per Video-Botschaft erfolgen. Fußball-Legende Manfred Kaltz hat es mit seiner […]

Parents should make use of education package

[8. 9. 2011] Press release of AGF that encourages parents to use of the German educational package, even though it is far from being perfect. At the same time speedy processing of applications is required in the municipalities. The family organisations united within the AGF, call at this, the start of the school year for the education and participation package […]

Summary of FAMILYPLATFORM reports

[15. 6. 2011] The FAMILY PLATFORM aimed to develop a research agenda for family issues on the EU level. Correspondingly, reports were created, which include inter alia the upcoming trends in family policies and the current state of research. The AGF has and summarized the reports from a German perspective. From late 2009 up until March 2011, the FAMILYPLATFORM compiled […]

Germany’s targets on the fight against poverty are set too low

[27. 4. 2011] The Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) e.V. criticizes the German National Reform Programme for setting insufficient targets and demands adequate and serious measures against poverty and social exclusion from the Federal Government. The National Reform Programme (NRP 2011), which the federal cabinet adopted on the 6th of April, names the national contribution to the new EU […]

AGF Comment on the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion

[5. 4. 2011] The AGF appreciates the first concrete objective of the European Union to reduce the poverty figures in the EU. It considers the political announcements of the German Federal Government, nevertheless, to be insufficient and demands adequate measures against poverty and social exclusion. The AGF appreciates that the European Union has clearly committed itself to poverty reduction. We […]

Bettina Müller-Sidibé new AGF Chairwoman

New Chairwoman of AGF: Bettina Müller-Sidibé 18.01.2011] The Association of Binational Families and Partnerships in 2011/12 took over the rotating chairmanship of AGF. The AGF heads into the new year with its new chairwoman, Bettina Müller-Sidibé. The family associations, that are  combined in the AGF met at the end of 2010, at its general assembly to discuss fundamental developments in family […]