Family organizations in discussion with the Federal Chancellor

Unfortunately only available in German! [23. 10. 2014] Am Tag ihrer Mitgliederversammlung trafen sich am gestrigen Mittwoch die Präsidentinnen und Präsidenten sowie die Vorsitzenden der fünf Mitgliedsverbände der AGF zu einem konstruktiven Gespräch mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Dabei standen die Themen Familien im demografischen Wandel und familienorientierte Arbeitswelt im Zentrum des Dialogs. „Familien sind die Grundpfeiler unserer Gesellschaft. Dies zu […]

AGF Comment on 3rd JAKO-O Education Study

For the third time, after 2010 and 2012, the JAKO-O study on education attends to find reliable information about the attitudes of parents regarding the situation of school and education. In the current survey progressions and developments are reflected even better. Unfortunately it can also be recognized that since the first study many negative findings have only hardly improved.It is […]

20 years International Year of the Family – from being ‘other stuff’ to being the cornerstone of society

[15. 5. 2014] On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family the German family organisations warn not to rest on the laurels of single measures but to continue to work consistently and effectively towards a family-friendly society. Even though family policy has moved quite a bit in the last 20 years, much remains to […]

Press Release AGF on right of return to full time

[30. 10. 2013] The family organizations call for a detailed right to return in order to facilitate employees’ way back into full-time employment after having opted for a part-time job. At its meeting today, the General Assembly of the AGF adopted a corresponding resolution. Berlin, 30.10.2013 – “In light of the considerable efforts of families in their everyday balancing act […]

Joint press release of the partners of the Lebenshilfe Congress “Society becomes family-friendly and inclusive!”

Unfortunately only available in German! — Kongress der Lebenshilfe und ihrer Partner schließt mit einem Manifest der Familien Berlin, 08. Sept. 2013. „Wir machen Gesellschaft“: Unter diesem Titel hatten die Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Familienorganisationen (AGF), das Deutsche Down-Syndrom InfoCenter, die Interessengemeinschaft Fragiles-X sowie FASD Deutschland vom 6. bis zum 8. September zu einem großen Familienkongress in das […]

Strengthening Families to meet Challenges of Demographic Change

[14. 5. 2013] Due to the demography summit of the German Federal Government today, the Association of German Family Organisations published a press release. The family organisations support the strengthening of families as a crucial measure of demographic policy. However, the government seems to work rather half-heartedly on this object. In occasion of the Federal Government’s Demografiegipfel (demography summit) today […]

Dr. Klaus Zeh new AGF Chairman

Unfortunately only available in German! — [2. 1. 2013] Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Familienorganisationen startet mit einem neuen Vorsitzenden in das neue Jahr. Turnusgemäß wechselt die Federführung zwischen den Mitgliedern der AGF. In den Jahren 2013 und 2014 übernimmt der Deutsche Familienverband (DFV) die Federführung vom Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften. Neuer Vorsitzender ist Dr. Klaus Zeh, Präsident des DFV […]

Privacy Protection on the Internet

[18. 12. 2012] AGF has published a leaflet raising the awareness of, especially, families for the problem of behavioural advertisment on the internet. The leaflet informs about how to protect against tracking and how to block ads with simple methods free of charge, also to beware children of being affected by undesirable content. Online ads are really annoying to many […]