Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

European Child Guarantee: Overview of selected aspects of the National Action Plans

To combat child poverty, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union decided in 2021 to establish a “European Child Guarantee”. It aims to “prevent and combat social exclusion by guaranteeing access for children in need to a range of essential services, thereby also contributing to the protection of children’s rights by tackling child poverty […]

AGF exhibitions

There are two exhibition by AGF that can both be rented free of charge: Children’s world Child poverty has many faces. Germany is not an exception to this fact. More than 19 % of children and young people, 2,4 million, are threatened by poverty in Germany and this is on the increase. For these children that results in restrictions on […]

Photo exhibition: Children’s world

Child poverty has many faces. Germany is not an exception to this fact. More than 19 % of children and young people, 2,4 million, are threatened by poverty in Germany and this is on the increase. For these children that results in restrictions on their daily lives, fewer books, sharing a room and less room for play and development. The […]

AGF-exhibition on development of German family policy

The exhibition shows the development of the German family policy. It was created on occasion of the 60th anniversary of AGF in 2014 and is linked to brochure on the history of AGF. Both the exhibition and the brochure are in German language and can be rented resp. ordered at AGF free of charge. The exhibition is made in form […]

AGF EuropaNews January 2023

This year’s first issue of EuropaNews was published today. We cover the EU child guarantee’s implementation process and the EESC’s statement on the care strategy. We also point to the UN’s call for contributions to the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing. As usual, we also inform about family and social policy developments in Europe and recommend current publications and events. […]

AGF EuropaNews

Archive of EuropaNews

Here you will find all issues of AGF EuropaNews starting with its first issue in May 2011  until the year 2017.

Further publications

European Child Guarantee: Overview of selected aspects of the National Action Plans Netzwerk (Network) 2030: Machbar-Berichte 2018, 2020 and 2021 (Doable-Reports 2018, 2020 and 2021) Publication series on the current system to secure a subsistance level for children in Germany The series covers four parts and looks how the German social law, the tax law and the maintenance law deal […]

AGF EuropaNews

AGF “EuropaNews” gathers the news in the field of family politics from the European level and the EU member states (excluding Germany) from a German perspective. The newsletter aims to bring the news from Europe to Germany, so unfortunately they are only available in German. Issues 2023 EuropaNews 2019 -2022 These are the issues that have been published since 2018. […]

Press Releases

Press Releases before 2010 (only available in German)