Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard at New Year’s Reception of the Federal President

Photo vom AGF-Voristzenden Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard beim Neujahrsempfang des Bundespräsidenten

On January 10, Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier invited to the traditional New Year’s reception at Bellevue Palace. Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard, who chairs the AGF since the beginning of the year, was a guest as a representative of family organizations.

Not only associations and clubs were invited, but also leading representatives from politics and business, as well as about 70 socially committed citizens.

In his short conversation with the Federal President, the new AGF chairman, Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard, pointed out the important role that families play in society and their many contributions, both in the immediate family circle and for society as a whole, deserve recognition. In view of the multiple crises, families are an important anchor of stability for many people and have done a great deal for society. However, they are increasingly reaching the limits of their capacity.

The members of the AGF and Federal President Dr. Steinmeier will continue the exchange in a personal meeting shortly.

Photo: © Bundesregierung / Steffen Kugler