AGF comments: The current discussion on measures proposed by the European Commission to prevent and combat the sexual abuse of children on the internet

Background Combating child sexual abuse (CSA) is an important objective of the EU. In this connection, the Internet as an environment in which children spend a great deal of time poses a particular challenge. Despite its efforts to date, the EU is clearly failing to protect children from becoming victims of online sexual abuse. The existing regulations, which are primarily […]

16 February 2024: Meeting on the CSA regulation proposed by the European Commission

This meeting is jointly organised with COFACE Families Europe. It brought together delegates from German family organisations and experts monitoring the CSA regulation proposed by the European Commission in May 2022 to discuss the state of the play of the negotiations with the European Parliament and Council of the EU, and enhance understanding of the regulation’s impact on families and […]

Machbar Bericht und Veranstaltung 2021 Smart aber fair

01.12.20: AGF Co-Organizer of event “Smart, but fair. How digitalization can bring everyone along”

On December 01, 2020, the umbrella organization of development and humanitarian non-governmental organizations (VENRO), in cooperation with other civil society associations, including the AGF, organized the online conference “smart but fair – how digitalization can bring everyone along”. Representatives from politics, civil society, business and the digital industry discussed the opportunities and risks of digital tools for sustainable development and […]

Cover des achten Altersbericht

09.09.2020: Expert Meeting on Eighth Government Report on Older People

On September 9, 2020, the AGF expert discussion Presentation of the Eighth Government Report on Older People: “Older People and Digitisation  – Implications for Families and Family Associations” took place. Cordula Endter from the office of the 8th Age Report presented selected contents of the report. In addition to the AGF member associations, representatives of various state AGF also took part […]

Position on draft law on the digitalisation of family benefits

Unfortunately, this content is only available in German: Die Bundesregierung plant mit dem Entwurf eine rechtliche Anpassung der Rahmenbedingungen, die es ermöglichen soll, dass Bürgerinnen zukünftig zentrale Familienleistungen auf Wunsch vereinfacht und online beantragen können. Damit wird eine Forderung der Familienorganisationen aufgegriffen, die bereits langjährig darauf hinweisen, dass eine Entlastung des Familienlebens durch weniger Bürokratie seitens des Staates nötig ist. […]

AGF-Discussion Paper “Digital Change and its  Impact on Families”

[28. 11. 2019] The AGF has published a discussion paper on “Digital Change”. The paper reflects on the impact of digitalization for different areas of life from the point of view of families. It takes a lifecourse perspective to discuss the consequences of digitisation for children, adolescents, parents and the grandparent generation as well as the influence on their relationships. The […]

AGF Paper on Digitalisation and Care

[26. 3. 2019] In context of its discussion process on digitalisation and family AGF had organised an expert meeting on digitalisation and care on 10 December 2018. In the aftermath AGF has produced a policy paper on the challenges of digitalisation and care which was presented to the federal council on the elderly. The paper concentrates on the challenges of […]

10.10.2018: Panel discussion on the impact of digitalisation on families (only in german)

The panel discussion debated these questions: What conflicts may arise from digital media in families? What is the best framework for families to profit from best from digitalisation and what should be done? Parents and professionals often have different perspectives and solutions on these questions. The AGF-conference on the impact of digitalisation on families was opened by an input of […]

18.10.2017: AGF Conference: Families in the digital Work

On Wednesday, the 18 October, the familiy organisations invited to a conference about the ongoing digital changes in the working environment. Under the titel “Brave new world of work? Ideas for a stronger family perspective in the digital work 4.0” participants and experts from politics, academics and organisations, discussed about risks and chances particularly for families. The conference focussed the […]