On 3 July, AGF carried out an European Expert meeting on digitalization and family. Around 30 participants from Germany and other European countries discussed the question: “Growing up digital – How can we make the internet safe for children and young people?”
The expert meeting aimed to give an overview about the situations and regulations in different European states and also the EU-level. Additionally it was about discussing future options for acting on the respective levels.
Report (in German): European Expert Meeting on a digitalised childhood
10.30h: Registration
Welcome and introduction
Sven Iversen, AGF
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram – how dangerous is the internet for children and young people?
Claudia Lampert, Hans–Bredow–Institute, EUKidsOnline project, Germany
Regulations for a safer internet for children in the EU
Elisabeth Kotthaus, Representation of the EU commission in Berlin, Policy officer for consumer rights and digital agenda, Germany
Short country reports and plenary discussion: Different countries, same risks?
Malle Hallimäe, Lastekaitse Liit, Safer Internet Centre, Estonia
Christian Mogensen, Center for Digital Pᴂdagogik, Denmark
To be discussed:
- How do problems and discussions about a safer internet differ in the EU Member States?
- Which solutions to create a safer internet for children exist and how effective are they?
- What are the main criticisms regarding the existing EU regulations and what should be next steps?
13.00 -14.00h LUNCH BREAK
Online security for children – legislation and additional measures in Germany
Jutta Croll, Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Germany
What does it need to make the internet a safer place for children?
John Carr, eNACSO (European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online), UK
Martin Schmalzried, COFACE- Families Europe, Belgium (via video)
Plenary discussion: Important fields of action and key players
To be discussed:
- Where do participants still see lacks of action/regulation?
- How should EU regulations, national legislation and other measures be combined?
- Which other key players than politicians (service providers, enterprises, education sector, parents…) should be involved in creating a safer internet for children and how?
16.00 First conclusions and end
Moderator: Sven Iversen, AGF