AGF Paper on Digitalisation and Care

[26. 3. 2019] In context of its discussion process on digitalisation and family AGF had organised an expert meeting on digitalisation and care on 10 December 2018. In the aftermath AGF has produced a policy paper on the challenges of digitalisation and care which was presented to the federal council on the elderly. The paper concentrates on the challenges of […]

06.-08.09.2013: AGF part of Family Convention

From 06 to 08 September, the Family Convention took place under the motto “We make the society!” in FEZ Berlin. It was organised by Lebenshilfe, AGF, Deutsches Down-Syndrom InfoCenter, Interessengemeinschaft Fragiles-X and FASD Deutschland. The Convention ended on Sunday, 8 September, with clear demands on the politicians. In a Manifesto of the families, the alltogether 500 small and larger guests […]

22.11.2012: Children, Care and Professional Life – what does families help to overcome time pressure? 

AGF conference on 22. November 2012 in Berlin “Children, Care and professional work – what does families help to overcome time pressure?”. Discussion on the results of the 8th family report, its findings and conclusions. The conference was held in the “URANIA” in Berlin. It concentrated particularly on the reports findings concerning the potential of elderly people and the potential […]

AGF Position on the Future of Care

[28. 3. 2012] Today, the Federal Government will discuss the recent draft law on the reform of care. The reform shall come into force on 1 January 2013. The main topics of the proposals are better services for persons with dementia and their care-giving relatives as well as the future financing of the care insurance. From the perspective of the […]