15 May 2024: Conference on current family law reforms

This conference has taken place in German language. The aim of the conference was to take a look at selected family law projects of the Federal Government and to discuss whether the Federal Government’s proposals are appropriate responses to the need of changes. Changes to maintenance law, custody and contact law and parentage law were presented and discussed. The focus […]

13 February 2024: Expert meeting on the recognition of parenthood in Europe

On 13 February 2024, the AGF organized an expert discussion on the proposed EU Regulation on the cross-border recognition of parenthood (“Parenthood Regulation”). The AGF organisations discussed this topicwith representatives of the responsible unit within the German Ministry of Justice (BMJ) and Björn Sieverding, president of NELFA – Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations. Background In her State of the […]

Meeting the additional needs of children of separated parents

[18. 3. 2016] The German Federal Council (Bundesrat) today discussed a draft bill on the simplification of the social code book II (basic social benefits). On this occasion the German family organisations ask for an benefit meeting the particular additional needs of children of separated parents, if the parents receive basic social benefits. The current draft only continues the shortage […]

Family organizations call for special attention for refugee families

[22.10.2015] The German Family Organisations call for special support for refugees families and for a special attention of their particular needs regarding accommodation, care and life after their flight. This message was sent by the family organisations from their members assembly. AGF calls for recognizing refugee children and families as such. The unity of families, the safety of children and […]

06.-08.09.2013: AGF part of Family Convention

From 06 to 08 September, the Family Convention took place under the motto “We make the society!” in FEZ Berlin. It was organised by Lebenshilfe, AGF, Deutsches Down-Syndrom InfoCenter, Interessengemeinschaft Fragiles-X and FASD Deutschland. The Convention ended on Sunday, 8 September, with clear demands on the politicians. In a Manifesto of the families, the alltogether 500 small and larger guests […]

22.06.2012: AGF Expert Meeting on Family Reunification

According to the current EU debate, AGF has invited to an expert meeting on the right to family reunification. A special focus was on the situation in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, which have rather restrictive regulations. Participants widely critisised the implementation of the EU Directive on family reunification in these Member States. The expert meeting on family reunification took place […]

EU Consultation on Family Reunification

[23. 2. 2012] Up until 1st March 2012, the EU Commission is running a public consultation on the right to family reunification of third-country nationals living in the EU. The AGF has published its statement today. The Consultation refers to the EU Directive on family reunification (Directive 2003/86/EG), adopted in 2003. The Directive defines the conditions of entry and residence […]

The right to custody only on a claim

[25.10.2010] The organisations combined in the Association of the German Family Organizations (AGF) e.V. are voting for the so-called “petition model” as the proposed draft law for the restructuring of the law on child custody. With regard to the custody of children of parents who are not married to each other a draft law by the Justice Minister, Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, is […]