The report of the AGF expert meeting on ton childcare arrangements after divorce / separation, that took place on June 7 this year, is available for download or in print. It is published in German / English language. The printed version can be ordered for free of charge at the AGF-office.
The care arrangements for children in the case of a divorce or separation are just as diverse as family life with children in shared parental households. The AGF‘s European Expert Meeting, which took place on 7 June 2019 in Berlin, examined the models used in childcare after divorce/separation. The discussion examined the social and legal frameworks in the various countries along with the legal and political needs for future development in the respective countries.
In the AGF expert meeting experts from ten European countries dealt with the following questions:
• What is the share of employment and care work in the families before and after divorce/separation in selected European countries?
• What are the legal frameworks with regard to custody, access, and support after a divorce/separation in the various countries?
• How do these legal and social and frameworks affect the social situation of parents and children after divorce/separation?
• Which topics are currently being discussed among experts in the individual countries with regard to the regulation of care arrangements after divorce?
The report (EN/GER) is available. For printed versions please don’t hesitate to order: info [@] ag-familie.de