Recipients of parental allowance threatened by the loss of residual claims

[26.11.2010] All parents, who provide for parental allowance to be disbursed over a period of 24 months, instead of 12 months, forfeit their right to a residual claim. See further information in AGF press release. The Federal Government’s savings package will treat the parental allowance for recipients of SGB II benefits, as personal income.  In practice, from 2011 all parents, […]

The right to custody only on a claim

[25.10.2010] The organisations combined in the Association of the German Family Organizations (AGF) e.V. are voting for the so-called “petition model” as the proposed draft law for the restructuring of the law on child custody. With regard to the custody of children of parents who are not married to each other a draft law by the Justice Minister, Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, is […]

Family Organisations: crisis must be occasion for long-term concepts

[04.06.2010] The current savings suggestions and cut backs, meet with a lack of comprehension from those family organisations united in the AGF. They are pleading, instead, for a future oriented policy which puts the interests of the next generations in the foreground. “Now, above all, where the sense of future investments is evident the discussion is running with backward direction […]

Family organizations welcome the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Hartz IV

[09.02.2010] Family organizations welcome the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Hartz IV (unemployment benefit) articles on the standard (support) rates for children, and suggest dialog for its reworking. The family organizations united in the AGF welcome today’s judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court as an important corner stone in relation to children and their families. They offer […]