EuropaNews January 2024

The first issue of EuropaNews for 2024 was published today. It is an intense election year with elections to the European Parliament and in 76 countries worldwide, more than in any previous year. It is also the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the 70th anniversary of the AGF and the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the […]

AGF EuropaNews December 2023

The last issue of EuropaNews for this year was published today. It deals with controversial topics such as recognising parenthood across the borders of EU member states, children’s rights in the EU migration pact and the rights of older people. 2023 was a year in which crises continued to multiply, from the war in Ukraine to that in Israel and […]

Cover BFF-Broschüre

New publication by the National Family Forum: “Support structures for families – objectives, access, services”

In 2022/2023, the members of the National Forum Family worked on the thematic focus “Support structures for families: How are family support structures designed, organised and implemented in Germany?” This now published publication summarises the process, which consisted of specialist events and working group meetings. Among other things, the publication emphasises how important it is to have the political will […]

EuropaNews November 2023

AGF EuropaNews’ 150th issue was published today. In this November issue we cover the EU parliaments’ resolution proposal on strengthening parent’s cross border rights and the commission’s recommendations for tackling energy poverty in the EU. We also inform about ESPANS’s study on the accessibility of key services covered by the European Child Guarantee. As usual you will also learn about […]

AGF EuropaNews October 2023

The AGF EuropaNews issue for Oktober 2023 was published today. We cover the EU parliament’s motion for a resolution on implementing the child guarantee, the European Court of Auditors’ assessment on the impacts of EU policies for people with disabilities and more news on family and social policy. We also recommend current publications and forthcoming events on those topics. Unfortunately, […]

AGF EuropaNews September 2023

In the September issue of Europa News we cover the EU parliament’s draft for implementing the EU child guarantee . We also inform about COFACE’s call to tackle energy poverty among families in Europe. As usual we keep you updated on family and social policy in European countries and recommend current publications and events on these topics. Unfortunately, Europa News […]

Family Organisations call for rapid introduction of a two-weeks fathers leave

Berlin, 05 September 2023 – The family organisations united in the AGF call on the Federal Government to immediately introduce the two-week paid leave for fathers and second parents after the birth of a child, which was agreed in the coalition agreement and has already been announced several times as “family start time”. “The family organisations hilghly support the plans […]

AGF EuropaNews 2023

The AGF EuropaNews issue for August 2023 was published today. We cover the EU Parliament’s statement on the EU’s budget for 2024, the monitoring of Germany’s implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and more news on family and social policy. We also recommend current publications and forthcoming events on those topics. Unfortunately, EuropaNews is only […]

EuropaNews July 2023

EuropaNews’ July issue covers the EU Commissions’ plans for a better long time care and its proposal for revised regulations on the safety of toys. We also inform about Lithuania’s NAP for implementing the EU child guarantee an other news on family and social policy from the European countries. As usual we also recommend current publications and events on social […]