[28. 6. 2017] Today the Fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth in Germany is presented and discussed in the German Bundestag. Against that background, the family organsation represented by AGF appeal to make the fight against child poverty a first order task, which also finds its way into the next coalition agreement and therefore has to be consequently followed in the next legislative term.
“In the upcoming Wahlkampf and in the next legislative term the poverty of children and families have to be at a central focus”, Stefan Becker, Chair of the association of German Faily organisations emphazises. “We have to endlich measures verankern, which 1. make the siutation better on a short term (kurzfristig abhilfe schaffen and 2. include longtermed structural reforms. Because it is the obligation of the state to give every child the possibility to raise up without poverty.”
The organisations therefore think that it is necessarily needed to include the fight against poverty in the next coalition agreement as a first priority task. They point out, that poor children usually live in poor families, so that political measures to eleminate poverty have to start both at the families and directly at the children and young adults at the same time.
Already at the beginning of the month the family organisations jointly with the German “Kinderhilfswerk” have sent a letter to the chairs of the parties and parlamentary groups, as well as to both, the family minister and the minister for social affairs. In this letter they jointly ask for an action plan to combat child poverty, which is provided with sufficiant financial means and and includes a multidimensional approach covering all relevant political spheres.
The complete text of the family organisations and Kinderhilfswerk is only availble in German.