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9. Oct 2024: European Expert meeting on the role of local level prevention systems for implementing the European Child Guarantee

9th October 2024 Berlin, Germany The European Child Guarantee recognises the importance of using national and local policy levers to support its implementation through quality services for children in vulnerable situations. Municipalities and services are at the forefront of work to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. According to a report adopted by the European Parliament in November 2023, “more […]

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Implementation of the European Child Guarantee

This text served as base for an article that was first published in FORUM Jugendhilfe 02/2024 (in German), July 2024 1 Introduction and background The European Child Guarantee is a voluntary commitment by EU member states to improve the situation of poor children and children at risk of poverty by 2030. In Germany, it is being put in place through […]

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AGF-Statement on the German draft National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”

For the family organisations within the AGF, the European Child Guarantee is an important instrument both for combating child poverty in Germany and for at least mitigating the social inclusion deficits of children and young people. It was for this reason that the AGF made its voice heard very early by setting up a series of workshops and producing recommendations […]

AGF Pressemitteilung

Family organizations call for adequate financed and needs-based design of basic child allowance

Berlin, 3 March 2023 – The family organizations united in the AGF call on the federal government to provide the basic child allowance agreed in the coalition agreement with sufficient financial resources to ensure that children are permanently protected from poverty. The bundling of family policy benefits and the dismantling of barriers to their use are important components of the […]

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27 Sept 2022: European expert meeting of the AGF in cooperation with COFACE – Families Europe on the implementation of the Child Guarantee

On 27 September 2022, COFACE – Families Europe and the AGF jointly organised an expert discussion on the implementation of the EU Child Guarantee / Child Gurantee in various European countries. Government  and civil society representatives from 17 European countries took part. The event focused on the exchange of information on the status of the implementation of the Child Guarantee in […]

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AGF recommendations on the Child Guarantee

[31. 5. 2022] The AGF accompanies the process of implementing the “European Guarantee for Children” with expert discussions and recommendation papers. The AGF has submitted recommendations on two further topics for the National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”, which is currently being drafted. The current recommendations deal with the topics “EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE, EDUCATION AND […]

EU facilitates reduction of VAT on children’s products – a good opportunity for the German government

[6. 4. 2022] On 05 April 2022, the European Council adopted a revision of the VAT Directive. This will make it easier in future for national governments to apply the reduced VAT rate, especially on children’s clothing and footwear. The family organisations demand that the Federal Government implements these possibilities quickly.  “The Federal Government must now pick up the ball,” […]

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30.03.2022: AGF expert talks on the EU Child Guarantee and its measures in the areas of “education and child care” and “housing”

Today, the AGF held two online expert discussions on the “European Child Guarantee”. A total of 26 experts from various associations, science and practice took part in the two discussions on the topics of “education / care” and “housing” of the Child Guarantee. The European Child Guarantee is the EU’s response to the high number of children in poverty who […]