09 October 2023: Expert meeting on time concepts for families

The AGF expert discussion discussed various concepts for a better time policy for families. For setting the scene, new data was presented on parents’ wishes regarding the amount of care and paid work and its distribution within the partnership, as well as on the actual use of time by fathers and mothers with young children. The “option time model” was […]

Titelseite des Beiratsberichts

07 September 2023: Expert Meeting on the 2nd report of the council for reconciliation of paid work and care

In July 2023, the independent council board for the reconciliation of care and work handed over its second overall report to Family Minister Lisa Paus. At the AGF’s expert discussion the participants discussed the report and its recommendations as well as the AGF’s statement and provided assessments from an extended range of experts. At the invitation of the AGF, 25 […]

15.05.2023: Conference on Family and housing

On 15 May 2023, the international day of the family, the AGF organised an event on the topic of “Family and Housing / Energy” in Berlin. In view of the burdens caused by rising housing and energy costs, the event took stock of the situation and discussed strategies and measures to improve the situation for the famiies. Presentations on the […]

14 March 2023, National Forum Family: „Family support systems: Interlocking, linking, decolumnizing: potentials and approaches from family education”

This online event was held in German. Online-Fachforum des Bundesforum Familie14. März 2023 | 10:30-15:15 | Online via Zoom Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle Mitglieder des Bundesforum Familie. InhaltFamilienunterstützende Strukturen leisten viel, ihre Potenziale scheinen jedoch lange nicht ausgeschöpft. Ein zentraler Ansatzpunkt ist eine bessere Strukturierung. Insbesondere wird eine zu starke Versäulung als Hindernis für eine wirksame Familienunterstützung erkannt. […]

28.02.2023: Impulse workshop of the National Family Forum: “If the families knew what we write about them in our project applications, they wouldn’t come anymore”.

A self-reflexive look at the use of language in support structures Background It is not a minor matter how people and contexts are spoken about. Language maps values, reproduces relations, exclusions and stigmatisations, and shapes expectations, norms and ideals. This can happen subtly or brutally, unintentionally or quite consciously. Within the framework of the current thematic period “Support structures for […]

AGF expert meeting on housing and energy

On 15 November 2022, the AGF held an expert discussion on “The impact of increasing housing and energy costs on families”. Twenty experts from research, family and welfare organisations participated. The meeting took stock of the burdens caused by rising housing and energy costs and discussed possible strategies and measures to relieve families. The expert discussion started with the topic […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

27 Sept 2022: European expert meeting of the AGF in cooperation with COFACE – Families Europe on the implementation of the Child Guarantee

On 27 September 2022, COFACE – Families Europe and the AGF jointly organised an expert discussion on the implementation of the EU Child Guarantee / Child Gurantee in various European countries. Government  and civil society representatives from 17 European countries took part. The event focused on the exchange of information on the status of the implementation of the Child Guarantee in […]

06.07.2022: AGF  expert discussion “Supporting parents and grandparents in transnational families

Although great progress has been made in migration research in recent decades, there are still unanswered questions regarding transnational, intergenerational support relationships. The particular difficulties faced by older people in need of care and their relatives in transnational family relationships are rarely discussed in care and family policy contexts. Furthermore, there are deficits in both knowledge and implementation with regard […]

Plenum der Veranstaltung

24 June 2022: The federal government’s plans for family policyReport on the AGF conference “The federal government’s plans for family policy

On 24 June 2022, the AGF held a conference in Berlin on the federal government’s plans for family policy in the current legislative period. In the first part of the event, the guidelines of the Federal Government’s family policy were presented by the Parliamentary State Secretary, Mrs. Ekin Deligöz. In the second part, two topical initiatives on time policy were […]