Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

29.09.2020: AGF and COFACE: EU and national stakeholders debate the future European Child Guarantee

On 29th September in Berlin, in cooperation with COFACE Families Europe, AGF invited to an European Expert meeting to discuss a new EU policy framework in preparation: the European Child Guarantee. The aim of the Child Guarantee is to boost support for children in vulnerable situations at national level via different instruments (policy exchange, funding, indicators, benchmarking). The Guarantee will […]

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09.09.2020: Expert Meeting on Eighth Government Report on Older People

On September 9, 2020, the AGF expert discussion Presentation of the Eighth Government Report on Older People: “Older People and Digitisation  – Implications for Families and Family Associations” took place. Cordula Endter from the office of the 8th Age Report presented selected contents of the report. In addition to the AGF member associations, representatives of various state AGF also took part […]

05.02.2020: Expert meeting: Family as a target group and setting for health promotion

On 5 February 2020, the “Kooperationsverbund Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit” (Cooperation Network for Equal Opportunities in Health) and AGF held a joint expert meeting on the topic “Family as a target group and setting for health promotion” Since 2003, the Cooperation Network for Equal Opportunities in Health has been working on questions of reducing health inequalities and promoting health in different social […]

30.10.2019: AGF conference “Quality of all-day care for children of primary school age”

On 30 October 2019, the AGF symposium “Quality of all-day care for children of primary school age” took place in Berlin. More than 70 participants from science, practice and politics discussed quality aspects in regards to the planned expansion of all-day care for children of primary school age. Within the framework of the German Social Law (SGB VIII), the legal […]

25.02.2019: Expert meeting on specific concerns of families with chronical sick family members

On 25 February AGF held an expert meeting on specific concerns of families with chronical sick family members. The AGF members entered an intense discussion with experts from health and family support and counceling organisations. The discussion centered on the specific concerns families having chronical sick parents or children have to deal with. Additionally it was discussed whether there was […]

10.10.2018: Panel discussion on the impact of digitalisation on families (only in german)

The panel discussion debated these questions: What conflicts may arise from digital media in families? What is the best framework for families to profit from best from digitalisation and what should be done? Parents and professionals often have different perspectives and solutions on these questions. The AGF-conference on the impact of digitalisation on families was opened by an input of […]

24.09.2018: Making a sustainable and liveable future for all

Conference and report of the network 2030 SDG of which AGF is part of. This report and conference is only available in German. Die Weltbevölkerung nimmt stetig zu und: sie wird immer städtischer. Städte gelten als Zentren der Hochtechnologie und sozio-ökonomischer Chancen. Viele Menschen in Deutschland wie auch in den Ländern des globalen Südens zieht es in die Städte. Durch […]

02.07.2018: AGF meeting on the EU Work-Life-Balance Package

Last year, the European Commission has published its proposal for a directive on work-life balance for parents and carers with concrete measures regarding, inter alia, family related leave schemes and flexible working arrangements. If finally a directive is agreed on, this may have direct impact on national legislation, since the Member States are obliged to implement the directive into national […]