18.10.2017: AGF Conference: Families in the digital Work

On Wednesday, the 18 October, the familiy organisations invited to a conference about the ongoing digital changes in the working environment. Under the titel “Brave new world of work? Ideas for a stronger family perspective in the digital work 4.0” participants and experts from politics, academics and organisations, discussed about risks and chances particularly for families. The conference focussed the […]

03.07.2017: European Expert meeting on digitalization

On 3 July, AGF carried out an European Expert meeting on digitalization and family. Around 30 participants from Germany and other European countries discussed the question: “Growing up digital – How can we make the internet safe for children and young people?” The expert meeting aimed to give an overview about the situations and regulations in different European states and […]

Deckblatt Kitaqualität

30.11.2015: Conference on high quality child care

In the AGF conference on high quality day care facilities and services for children, the experts discussed an AGF paper proposal on what high quality in child care facilities means and how it can be be achieved. The number of children, particularly under the age of three, visiting day care facilities has been rising in the past years. Children are […]

Deckblatt Kitaqualität

25.06.2015: European Expert Meeting Good Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care

Experts from sciences, politics and organisations from different European countries discussed at the expert meeting, what good quality in early childhood education and care means and how it can be achieved. Therefore, the experiences and current developments in Finland, Scotland and Germany were presented and added by examples how to deal with ethnic diversity and of the current situation in […]


22.-24.06.2015: ICCFR Conference in Berlin: “Changing Times: Impacts of time on family life”

The 62nd annual conference of ICCFR which was organised by in cooperation of ICCFR, AGF and WZB Berlin Social Science Center has come to an end. From 22 to 24 June  about 120 participants from all continents have discussed the topics of “Changing Times: Impacts of time on family life”. International experts fromseveral countries have discussed the main topic from […]

20.11.2014: 60th anniversary of AGF

On 25 March 1954, exactly 60 years ago the AGF was founded. Since then a lot has happened in family politics and of course also within the AGF. Therefore the author Vera Urban (except Part 6) looked back with a series of articles looking at the work of the AGF over the past 60 years as well as looking on […]

17.06.2014: Expert Meeting: Family time policy as a policy field

On Tuesday, 17 June ca. 35 european experts met on invitation of AGF to discuss the implementation of a so-called “family time policy” in different european states. They had a close look on the examples of Germany, the “Benelux”-states as well as the nothern states. Additionally an important pace-setter for family time was set into focus: a comparison of measures […]