AGF positions regarding a family friendly economy

[26. 5. 2015] The family organisations point out what changes are needed for a better reconciliation of work and family life, economic stability and social security for families. Working conditions are an important part of family policy, following a broad defintion. Work is often the central system in everyday family life and has deep effects back on it. Regarding the […]

AGF Comment on 3rd JAKO-O Education Study

For the third time, after 2010 and 2012, the JAKO-O study on education attends to find reliable information about the attitudes of parents regarding the situation of school and education. In the current survey progressions and developments are reflected even better. Unfortunately it can also be recognized that since the first study many negative findings have only hardly improved.It is […]

Comment on 2. Educational Study by JAKO-O

[5. 9. 2012] This wednesday, JAKO-O intrdouced its second educational study. The results show the requirements which parents expect from the educational system and how they concern themselves with the education of their children. AGF has published a comment on the study. AGF Comment on the 2nd JAKO-O Education Study: Important Expectations of Parents concerning Schools in Germany are still […]

AGF-Statement on 8th Family Report

[14. 5. 2012] The AGF has published a detailed statement on the 8th Family Report of the federal government. In its statement it supports the purpose of the report to establish the solution to family time conflicts as a social task, but criticises the unadequate family perspective. The German Family Organizations consider the recommendations of the commission, in regard to  […]

EU Consultation on Family Reunification

[23. 2. 2012] Up until 1st March 2012, the EU Commission is running a public consultation on the right to family reunification of third-country nationals living in the EU. The AGF has published its statement today. The Consultation refers to the EU Directive on family reunification (Directive 2003/86/EG), adopted in 2003. The Directive defines the conditions of entry and residence […]

AGF takes position to Advanced Child Maintenance

[17. 2. 2012] The recent draft law on simplifing bureaucracy of advanced child maintenance is critisised by the AGF. The planned changes will hardly lead to improvements for the children of single parents. Basic problems remain unsolved. The Federal Government will in future consider payments to third parties when advanced child maintenance is applied for. Thus, there will be increasing […]

AGF Comment on the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion

[5. 4. 2011] The AGF appreciates the first concrete objective of the European Union to reduce the poverty figures in the EU. It considers the political announcements of the German Federal Government, nevertheless, to be insufficient and demands adequate measures against poverty and social exclusion. The AGF appreciates that the European Union has clearly committed itself to poverty reduction. We […]