AGF comments: The current discussion on measures proposed by the European Commission to prevent and combat the sexual abuse of children on the internet

Background Combating child sexual abuse (CSA) is an important objective of the EU. In this connection, the Internet as an environment in which children spend a great deal of time poses a particular challenge. Despite its efforts to date, the EU is clearly failing to protect children from becoming victims of online sexual abuse. The existing regulations, which are primarily […]

AGF position on the planned EU Parenthood Regulation

The representatives of the EU Member States are currently negotiating a proposal from the EU Commission for a Council Regulation on the mutual recognition of parenthood in the EU. The aim of the planned regulation is to ensure that the parenthood of a child that is legally established in one EU member state is also recognised by the other member […]

Family-specific perspectives on housing policy

The availability and affordability of housing as well as the quality of the housing and the living environment and supporting infrastructure are of crucial importance for the quality of family life. The challenges of access to suitable housing and its affordability, which have been increasing for some time, affect all types of households. However, families have specific needs that distinguish […]

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AGF-Statement on the German draft National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”

For the family organisations within the AGF, the European Child Guarantee is an important instrument both for combating child poverty in Germany and for at least mitigating the social inclusion deficits of children and young people. It was for this reason that the AGF made its voice heard very early by setting up a series of workshops and producing recommendations […]

Family Organisations support call for high quality implementation of the law on all-day care for children of primary school age

The family organisations support hte call for high-quality implementation of the law on all day care and education for children of primary school age that was published today. More than 30 organisations and trade unions signed the call, wich highlights the importance of a high quality all day care and education. The call is published against the background that from […]


AGF Statement on the Partial Report of the Independent Advisory Council on the Reconciliation of Care and Work

The AGF has published a statement on the Partial Report of the Independent AdvisoryCouncil on the Reconciliation of Care and Work. The Council released its report ‘Recommendations on Family Care Leave and the Family Care Allowance’ in August 2022. In its report the AGF welcomes the measures proposed as a major step towards relieving the burden on families with relatives […]

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AGF recommendations on the Child Guarantee

[31. 5. 2022] The AGF accompanies the process of implementing the “European Guarantee for Children” with expert discussions and recommendation papers. The AGF has submitted recommendations on two further topics for the National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”, which is currently being drafted. The current recommendations deal with the topics “EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE, EDUCATION AND […]

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Implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany: Recommendations of the AGF for the area of “Health”

[13. 1. 2022] The AGF has presented recommendations on the topic area “health” of the Child Guarantee. This is the second publication by AGF on the Child Guarantee after it’s recommendations on “Nutrition” in December 2021. The recommendations are intended to contribute to the discussion on the planned national action plan for the implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany. […]