AGF has published the documentation of its series of events on “Child Centeredness and Family Support in Conflict Situations, Separation Processes and Divorce Proceedings”. The documentation is available in German and English.
In the webinar series, co-hosted by the International Commission on Couple and Family Relations (ICCFR) and the AGF and consisting of three international webinars, experts from Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia presented the possibilities of support for separating parents against the background of their specific legal structures.
They reported on how families in separation processes are supported through judicial and mediation measures as well as psychosocial counseling services. The webinars took place on November 04, November 11, and November 18, 2020.
In another AGF expert meeting on November 30, 2020, with legal, educational and psychological experts, the situation, challenges and necessary further development of structures in Germany were discussed.
The series of events focused on the following questions:
- What structures and measures of psychosocial support services and court proceedings exist with regard to child-centeredness and conflict reduction in the separation process? How successful are these structures?
- How well does the cooperation between the professional extrajudicial and judicial actors work? What are the consequences for the families concerned? Where is a need for further development?
- How well are the existing supportive measures suited to deal specifically with different levels or types of conflict in separation processes? What needs to be done?
- How are the interests of children adequately taken into account in judicial proceedings but also in mediation and counseling?
- What political demands can be derived from the findings for family organizations?