[2. 6. 2017] In regard of todays debate in the Bundestag about the Fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth in Germany, AGF and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk point out the necessity of a comprehensive action plan against child poverty, combining the forces of all relevant ministries. In a letter to the chairs of the parties and groups represented in Bundestag as well as to the Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Andrea Nahles and the Federal Minister for Families, Manuela Schwesig, both organisations call for urgent action to address child poverty and put it on first place on the political agenda, even after the up-coming elections in September.
AGF and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk argue that the aim must be to develop a national general action plan backed by adequate financial means and with regard to the multi-dimensional living conditions of children. Therefore, the action plan needs to address all relevant policy fields: family and education policy, health and social policy but also urban development and housing policies.
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