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Alliance renews call for National Education Summit

The joint call, which was supported by the family organisations and launched in March 2023, has been joined by more than 30 additional organizations.It is now supported by almost 90 organizations. The broad circle of foundations, associations and trade unions calls on the heads of government of the German states and the German Chancellor to initiate the urgently needed, fundamental […]

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COFACE Families Europe Conference and internal meetings on 27-29 March 2023

The COFACE Families Europe conference on “Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Europe” took place in Monza, Italy, jointly organised with the Italian organisation A.I.A.S. Taking the Italian system as a starting point for discussion with European peers, the event brought together organisations of families of persons with disabilities and service providers, education professionals, persons with disabilities and their families and […]

Family organisations support call for National Education Summit

Together with 53 other organizations, the AGF supports the appeal initiated by six foundations to convene a National Education Summit. In the appeal, initiated by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Deutsche Telekom Foundation, Karg Foundation, Robert Bosch Foundation, Vodafone Foundation Germany and the Wübben Foundation, the foundations call for urgent political action in view of the major problems in the education system […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

AGF recommendations on the Child Guarantee

[31. 5. 2022] The AGF accompanies the process of implementing the “European Guarantee for Children” with expert discussions and recommendation papers. The AGF has submitted recommendations on two further topics for the National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”, which is currently being drafted. The current recommendations deal with the topics “EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE, EDUCATION AND […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

30.03.2022: AGF expert talks on the EU Child Guarantee and its measures in the areas of “education and child care” and “housing”

Today, the AGF held two online expert discussions on the “European Child Guarantee”. A total of 26 experts from various associations, science and practice took part in the two discussions on the topics of “education / care” and “housing” of the Child Guarantee. The European Child Guarantee is the EU’s response to the high number of children in poverty who […]

“Good ECEC law” unfortunately is not a good ECEC law

[18. 9. 2018] On the occasion of the “Gute-Kita-Gesetz” (Good Childcare Act), which is to be passed by the Federal Cabinet tomorrow, the organisations within the Association of German Family Organisations regret that the government is missing its targets with its draft bill. “With good intentions, the Minister of Family Affairs has once set out to improve the provision of […]

AGF family organisations for a better quality in kindergartens

[29. 8. 2017] In regard of the 10th anniversary of the so called ‘Krippengipfel’ from 2007, which led to an entitlement for children under three years to attend a kindergarten, and in combination with the current Ländermonitor of the Bertelsmann-Foundation, the family organisations emphasize the need of a high quality in early childhood education and care and therefore advocate common […]

Joint declaration on quality standards in daycare facilities for children

[15. 11. 2016] 16 family organisations, children rights organisations, social welfare organisations and trade unions call for quality standards in daycare facilities for children. Jointly they welcome the process that was started by the state on national and federal level to increase the quality in child care and expect concrete outcomes. The joint declaration has not been translated so far. […]