08.09.2011: The reduced VAT rate in Europe – Opportunities for Effective Support for Families

Results of the expert meeting on 08 September 2011
Venue: European Commission Representation in Germany

The German Association of Family Organisations (AGF) and the European Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE) invited to an expert discussion concerning the future of the reduced rate of VAT on products and services for children. The discussion was mainly directed at representatives of German and European associations, the European Commission and members of parliament from Germany and Europe

The results of the Green Paper on VAT and the VAT Consultation


Input by Werner Blockmans from the unit on VAT and other turnover taxes in the European Commission. Werner Blockmans heads the sector in the VAT Unit of the European Commission responsible for the follow up to the Green Paper on VAT project.

He informed the participants about EU Green Paper on VAT and the results of the consultation.

The European Citizens‘ Initiative (ECI) – a possibility for the reduced VAT rate?

Gerald Häfner

Input by Gerald Häfner, MEP and member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and the Committee on Petitions. Gerald Häfner was a co-author of the report on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and contributed over several years towards the realization of the project. He is also co-founder and longtime CEO of the “Mehr Demokratie e.V. (more democracy)” association.

He presented the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and pointed out it’s possibilities for a reduced VAT rate on products and services for children.

A look at other Countries: Poland as an example

Izabella Cech discussing with other participants

Input by: Dr. Izabella Cech, Editor of Economic Newsletter “Poland News”, former diplomat, journalist, Polish tax consultant and university lecturer.

Izabella Cech referred about the reduced VAT rate on products and services for children in Poland that will end in the beginning of 2012. She pointed out the consequences of a normal VAT rate for polish families.

A look at other countries: Spain as an example

Input by Jean Bernard Audureau from the consumer organisation ASGECO.

Jean Bernard Audureau commented the suggestion for a reduced VAT rate on several products and services for children in Spain critically.

Jean Bernard Audureau

The initiative „7% für Kinder“ from Germany

Logo der Initiative '7% für Kinder'.

Input: Sven Iversen, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Familienorganisationen e.V. (AGF).

Sven Iversen presented the initiative “7% für Kinder”.

The activities and positions of COFACE

Input: Nicolas Revenu, President of COFACE working group 3.

Nicolas Revenu pointed out the activities and position of COFACE concerning a reduced VAT rate.

Nicolas Revenu

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