[07. 5. 2019] Today the presidents and chairwomen of the AGF members organisations met Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier for a fruitful discussion. Child and family poverty as well as the role of families in the democrathy were put into the center of the meeting.
The family organisations highlighted the importance of families and the need to support them accordingly. Extensively the different measures to fight child poverty were dicussed. The family organisations welcomed the important steps that were accomplished in the past months. The so called “Starke-Familien-Gesetz” put the right emphasis and tackled problems that had been known for years. However, the support of families with low income has to be intensified, the organisations stressed. The new law on high quality child care facilities falls short, they pointed out. The goal of having a large improvement of the quality will most likely not be reached.
In the meeting it was stressed, that families have an important value for democrathy. It was talked about the democratic processes within the family, the role of families to support democratic processes in society as well as the Stellenwert of intercultural sensitive education and care.
Besides Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Erika Biehn, chairwoman of th German single parents association; Ulrich Hoffmann, president of the German Catholic Family Association; Dr. Klaus Zeh, president of the German Family Organisation; Christel RiemannHanewinckel, president of the protestant family working group; Sidonie Fernau, chairwoman of the Association of binational families and partnerships and AGF director Sven Iversen took part in the discussion.