Plenum der Veranstaltung

24 June 2022: The federal government’s plans for family policyReport on the AGF conference “The federal government’s plans for family policy

On 24 June 2022, the AGF held a conference in Berlin on the federal government’s plans for family policy in the current legislative period. In the first part of the event, the guidelines of the Federal Government’s family policy were presented by the Parliamentary State Secretary, Mrs. Ekin Deligöz. In the second part, two topical initiatives on time policy were […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

AGF recommendations on the Child Guarantee

[31. 5. 2022] The AGF accompanies the process of implementing the “European Guarantee for Children” with expert discussions and recommendation papers. The AGF has submitted recommendations on two further topics for the National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”, which is currently being drafted. The current recommendations deal with the topics “EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE, EDUCATION AND […]

EU facilitates reduction of VAT on children’s products – a good opportunity for the German government

[6. 4. 2022] On 05 April 2022, the European Council adopted a revision of the VAT Directive. This will make it easier in future for national governments to apply the reduced VAT rate, especially on children’s clothing and footwear. The family organisations demand that the Federal Government implements these possibilities quickly.  “The Federal Government must now pick up the ball,” […]

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30.03.2022: AGF expert talks on the EU Child Guarantee and its measures in the areas of “education and child care” and “housing”

Today, the AGF held two online expert discussions on the “European Child Guarantee”. A total of 26 experts from various associations, science and practice took part in the two discussions on the topics of “education / care” and “housing” of the Child Guarantee. The European Child Guarantee is the EU’s response to the high number of children in poverty who […]

EU Child Guarantee: Broad alliance calls for ambitious overall strategy to combat child poverty in Germany

[10. 2. 2022] On February 10 2022, the German Family Organisations together with numerous other organisations, calls on the German Federal Government to take the development of the National Action Plan on the EU Child Guarantee, an overall strategy to combat child poverty in Germany. AGF welcomed the decision in June 2021 by the German Federal Government, jointly with all […]

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Implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany: Recommendations of the AGF for the area of “Health”

[13. 1. 2022] The AGF has presented recommendations on the topic area “health” of the Child Guarantee. This is the second publication by AGF on the Child Guarantee after it’s recommendations on “Nutrition” in December 2021. The recommendations are intended to contribute to the discussion on the planned national action plan for the implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany. […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

Implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany: Recommendations of the AGF for the area of “Nutrition

[16. 12. 2021] The AGF accompanies the implementation of the European Guarantee for Children / Child Guarantee in Germany with a series of expert discussions. Now the AGF has presented recommendations on the topic area “nutrition” of the Child Guarantee. The recommendations are intended to contribute to the discussion on the planned national action plan for the implementation of the […]

Family organisations support call for better reconciliation of long term care and professional work

Berlin, 27 August 2019 – The associations united in the AGF support the demands of the Independent Advisory Council for the Reconciliation of Long Term Care and Work, whose report was published today. In particular, they emphasise the importance of a care leave with adequate financial compensation. The Independent Advisory Council on Reconciliation of Care and Work has developed many […]

AGF Comment on 3rd JAKO-O Education Study

For the third time, after 2010 and 2012, the JAKO-O study on education attends to find reliable information about the attitudes of parents regarding the situation of school and education. In the current survey progressions and developments are reflected even better. Unfortunately it can also be recognized that since the first study many negative findings have only hardly improved.It is […]