AGF Exhibitions

Made for travelling Both exhibition are travelling exhibition and can be rented for free. In case of interest please contact: Simone Nagel Telefon: + 49 (0) 30/2902825-70 orinfo [@] ag-familie [.] de Development of German Family Policy The exhibition shows the development of the German family policy. It was created on occasion of the 60th anniversary of AGF in 2014 […]

AGF-Discussion Paper “Digital Change and its  Impact on Families”

[28. 11. 2019] The AGF has published a discussion paper on “Digital Change”. The paper reflects on the impact of digitalization for different areas of life from the point of view of families. It takes a lifecourse perspective to discuss the consequences of digitisation for children, adolescents, parents and the grandparent generation as well as the influence on their relationships. The […]

Dnieal Jaspers new Chairwoman of AGF

[31.10.2019] At the general meeting on Oct. 29, 2019, Daniela Jaspers was unanimously elected chairwoman of the Association of German Family Organizations (AGF). Ms. Jaspers has been chairwoman of the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers, Bundesverband e.V. since June 2019, which is the AGF’s lead organization for 2019 and 2020. Vice chairman of the AGF reamins Ulrich Hoffmann, president […]

Family Organisations warn against hidden tax rises for family education services

[27. 9. 2019] On the occasion of the first reading of the draft law on tax incentives for electromobility, the AGF warns against the hidden increase of the sales tax for educational offers. Non-profit family education would thus experience massive negative consequences that would be diametrically opposed to the goals of educational offerings. “The omission of the tax privilege of […]

Family organisations support call for better reconciliation of long term care and professional work

Berlin, 27 August 2019 – The associations united in the AGF support the demands of the Independent Advisory Council for the Reconciliation of Long Term Care and Work, whose report was published today. In particular, they emphasise the importance of a care leave with adequate financial compensation. The Independent Advisory Council on Reconciliation of Care and Work has developed many […]

AGF talks to Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier

[07. 5. 2019] Today the presidents and chairwomen of the AGF members organisations met Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier for a fruitful discussion. Child and family poverty as well as the role of families in the democrathy were put into the center of the meeting. The family organisations highlighted the importance of families and the need to support them accordingly. […]

Joint positioning on the new EU work-life balance Directive

[09. 4. 2019] On 4 April the European Parliament adopted the new EU work-life Balance Directive. It introduces new and strengthened rules for reconciliation of famliy and work life. AGF, jointly with German Women’s Council, Federal Men’s Forum, Family Future Forum, and German Trade Union Confederation comments the results.  Joint positioning of Association of German Family Organisations, German Women’s Council, Federal […]

AGF Paper on Digitalisation and Care

[26. 3. 2019] In context of its discussion process on digitalisation and family AGF had organised an expert meeting on digitalisation and care on 10 December 2018. In the aftermath AGF has produced a policy paper on the challenges of digitalisation and care which was presented to the federal council on the elderly. The paper concentrates on the challenges of […]

AGF meets chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel

[26. 2. 2019] Today, the family organisations united within the AGF met German chancellor Angela Merkel for an exchange of views and opinions. The talks mainly focused differents aspects of monetary support for children and their families, quality of child care, reconciliation of family and professional work as well as care for the elderly. The family organisations highlighted the great […]

AGF is heading into the new with new board

January 15, 2019 – As part of the rotational change, the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers took over the leadership of the Associations of German Family Organizations at the beginning of the year. With their new chairwomen Erika Biehn as well as with Ulrich Hoffmann, president of the family federation of the Catholiken, as Vice chairmen, the AGF starts […]