[10. 2. 2021] In a joint open letter, the Associations of German Family Organisationsat federal and state levels are calling for the introduction of a legal entitlement to all-day care for children of primary school age. They urge the federal and state governments to successfully conclude the negotiations currently taking place on such a legal entitlement in a timely manner an to pass the legal entitlement in this federal legislative period.
Please read the open letter:
Resolve legal entitlement to high-quality all-day care at primary school age!
Dear members of the federal and state governments,
the family organizations on federal and state levels see the introduction of legal entitlement to all-day care for children of primary school age, which is so important for families, by the stagnating negotiations between federation and countries strongly endangered. If the negotiations fail due to the particular interests of state governments or a lack of concessions by the federal government in financing the running costs of all-day care, the opportunity would be lost to establish this necessary building block of care nationwide for all families in Germany.
The experience of families in 2020 and also currently is that the maintenance of schooling and care are largely on their shoulders. As a result, the great importance of high-quality all-day care in daycare centers and elementary schools has once again become and continues to become clear. At the same time, families have experienced that enormously high financial resources have been mobilized in the support for measures that are likely to have a much less sustainable effect than investments in education and high-quality all-day care.
Against this backdrop, families have no understanding for the fact that the federal government and the state governments have not been able to agree on the introduction of a legal right to all-day care for children of primary school age as agreed in the coalition agreement.
Together, the Associations of German Family Organisationsat federal and state levels urgently call on the federal and state governments:
- Bring their negotiations on the legal right to high-quality all-day care for children of primary school age to a successful end without delay.
- Include a permanent content-related and financial framework condition that guarantee a high quality of education, upbringing and care.
By this, create more educational equity for children from families with different educational resources and thus make it easier to reconcile family and career.
The federal and state associations of family organizations

Related Links
- Download Open letter (in German)