Deckblatt Kitaqualität

25.06.2015: European Expert Meeting Good Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care

Experts from sciences, politics and organisations from different European countries discussed at the expert meeting, what good quality in early childhood education and care means and how it can be achieved. Therefore, the experiences and current developments in Finland, Scotland and Germany were presented and added by examples how to deal with ethnic diversity and of the current situation in […]

17.06.2014: Expert Meeting: Family time policy as a policy field

On Tuesday, 17 June ca. 35 european experts met on invitation of AGF to discuss the implementation of a so-called “family time policy” in different european states. They had a close look on the examples of Germany, the “Benelux”-states as well as the nothern states. Additionally an important pace-setter for family time was set into focus: a comparison of measures […]

28.03.2014: #FamiliesVOTE2014 debate on 28 March

In a joint event by COFACE, Eurofound and AGF, the publication “#FamiliesVOTE2014 – Helping you make your choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections” was launched in Berlin. Additionally a Policy Brief by Eurofound was presented to discuss how to tackle the current political distrust and disengagement of European citizens, at the same time motivate voters to get engaged in […]

22.06.2012: AGF Expert Meeting on Family Reunification

According to the current EU debate, AGF has invited to an expert meeting on the right to family reunification. A special focus was on the situation in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, which have rather restrictive regulations. Participants widely critisised the implementation of the EU Directive on family reunification in these Member States. The expert meeting on family reunification took place […]

Germany’s targets for combating poverty remain insufficient

[13. 4. 2012] The Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) e.V. criticizes the German National Reform Programme for setting insufficient targets for the reduction of poverty in Germany. The AGF demands adequate and serious measures from the government in the combating of poverty and social exclusion. The current National Reform Programme (NRP 2012), which will be communicated to the European […]

08.09.2011: The reduced VAT rate in Europe – Opportunities for Effective Support for Families

Results of the expert meeting on 08 September 2011Venue: European Commission Representation in Germany The German Association of Family Organisations (AGF) and the European Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE) invited to an expert discussion concerning the future of the reduced rate of VAT on products and services for children. The discussion was mainly directed at representatives […]

08.09.2011: Joint event of AGF and COFACE on VAT

The AGF hosted the regular meeting of the COFACE Working Group Consumer Protection, Services and Public Health Policies in Berlin. The two-day event started with a European Expert Discussion on the issue of reduced VAT for children’s products. Attendants were, among others, representatives of the EU Commission, the European Parliament and the German Bundestag. The two-day event took place on […]

Germany’s targets on the fight against poverty are set too low

[27. 4. 2011] The Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) e.V. criticizes the German National Reform Programme for setting insufficient targets and demands adequate and serious measures against poverty and social exclusion from the Federal Government. The National Reform Programme (NRP 2011), which the federal cabinet adopted on the 6th of April, names the national contribution to the new EU […]