In a joint event by COFACE, Eurofound and AGF, the publication “#FamiliesVOTE2014 – Helping you make your choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections” was launched in Berlin. Additionally a Policy Brief by Eurofound was presented to discuss how to tackle the current political distrust and disengagement of European citizens, at the same time motivate voters to get engaged in having more information on the EU, specifically the European Parliament, and vote at the EP elections in May.
The “#FamiliesVOTE2014 – Helping you make your choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections” publication brings concrete information of the big political groups to the attention of voters to boost citizens’ knowledge and understanding on what the EU can and will do for families’ wellbeing. It compares the various family policies of the Political Groups in the Parliament concerning seven social policy areas: Jobs, Work-Life Balance, Family Carers, Disability or long-term illness in the Family, Housing, Energy, Migrant and Transnational Families and Financial Inclusion and the impact on families.
The publication was translated into German by the German COFACE member AGF. The publication is available on the websites of AGF and COFACE (see below).

The discussion was opened by Annemie Drieskens, president of COFACE, Robert Anderson, Head of Unit, Living Conditions and Quality of Life, Eurofound und Sven Iversen, director of AGF. Afterwards both publications were presented by Daphne Arendt, Eurofound and Agnes Uhereczky, COFACE. The discussion was moderated by Blogger Jon Worth and supported by Agnes Uhereczky, director of COFACE and Karoline Münz, Vice general secretary of European Movement Germany e.V. It was possible to directly address and ask questions from the panellists by using the Hashtag of the meeting: #FamiliesVOTE2014 #ep2014
Related Links
- Download of German Version of FamiliesVOTE2014
- Download of English Version of FamiliesVOTE2014
- Download “Foundation Findings – Political trust and civic engagement during the crisis”
- Event website of COFACE
- Pictures of the event
- Videos of the event on YouTube
- Information on European Election 2014
- Website of Eurofound