[26. 08. 2022] The family organisations united in the AGF emphasize the importance of a family care leave with an appropriately high and socially balanced financial compensation.
On the occasion of the delivering of a substudy report by the “independent advisory coucil for reconciliation of care and professional work” to family minister Lisa Paus the organisations stress the large step, which would be done with the introduction of such a benefit for the families. “The introduction of a 36-month family care leave, which includes a socially designed, appropriate monetary compensation for reducing working hours by caring relatives, would be a milestone for the reconciliation of family and professional work and a big step towards the recognition of caregiving services in families,” emphasizes Sidonie Fernau, AGF Chairwoman.
The family organizations emphasize that families are faced with special challenges due to a nursing case. These often arise suddenly and unexpectedly, and the duration and intensity of care cannot be planned. “A whole package of measures is needed to support family carers, including the introduction of a well-functioning family care leave with appropriate financial compensation being of outstanding importance. The current laws on care leave and family care leave, which are intended to support the reconciliation of care and professional work, do not show sufficient effects. Now the federal government is called upon to take up the existing proposals and implement them accordingly,” says the AGF chairwoman.
The independent Advisory Council for the Reconciliation of Care and professional Work was established in 2015 by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). As a non-public expert body, it deals with issues relating to the reconciliation of care and professional work, evaluates the implementation of the relevant legal regulations and advises the ministry on their effects. A report is submitted to the BMFSFJ every four years. In its first report in 2019, the Advisory Council already proposed the introduction of a newly designed 36-month family care leave. The interim report delivered today was published ahead of schedule due to the high importance of the subject. The full report will be completed in 2023. The AGF participates as a member of the advisory board.
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