AGF Position Papers and Statements

The position papers and statements following are listed in chronological order. You will find our press releases in the Presssection, the reports of our events at past events. Positions and Statements before 2011 Comment of AGF on 1. educational study of JAKO-O (in German) Date: September 2010 Download of comment Position Paper on the Fight against and the Prevention of […]


AGF Statement on the Partial Report of the Independent Advisory Council on the Reconciliation of Care and Work

The AGF has published a statement on the Partial Report of the Independent AdvisoryCouncil on the Reconciliation of Care and Work. The Council released its report ‘Recommendations on Family Care Leave and the Family Care Allowance’ in August 2022. In its report the AGF welcomes the measures proposed as a major step towards relieving the burden on families with relatives […]

Family organizations support call for new family care leave

[26. 08. 2022] The family organisations united in the AGF emphasize the importance of a family care leave with an appropriately high and socially balanced financial compensation. On the occasion of the delivering of a substudy report by the “independent advisory coucil for reconciliation of care and professional work” to family minister Lisa Paus the organisations stress the large step, […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

AGF recommendations on the Child Guarantee

[31. 5. 2022] The AGF accompanies the process of implementing the “European Guarantee for Children” with expert discussions and recommendation papers. The AGF has submitted recommendations on two further topics for the National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”, which is currently being drafted. The current recommendations deal with the topics “EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE, EDUCATION AND […]

EU facilitates reduction of VAT on children’s products – a good opportunity for the German government

[6. 4. 2022] On 05 April 2022, the European Council adopted a revision of the VAT Directive. This will make it easier in future for national governments to apply the reduced VAT rate, especially on children’s clothing and footwear. The family organisations demand that the Federal Government implements these possibilities quickly.  “The Federal Government must now pick up the ball,” […]

EU Child Guarantee: Broad alliance calls for ambitious overall strategy to combat child poverty in Germany

[10. 2. 2022] On February 10 2022, the German Family Organisations together with numerous other organisations, calls on the German Federal Government to take the development of the National Action Plan on the EU Child Guarantee, an overall strategy to combat child poverty in Germany. AGF welcomed the decision in June 2021 by the German Federal Government, jointly with all […]

Logo der Europäischen Garantie für Kinder

Implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany: Recommendations of the AGF for the area of “Health”

[13. 1. 2022] The AGF has presented recommendations on the topic area “health” of the Child Guarantee. This is the second publication by AGF on the Child Guarantee after it’s recommendations on “Nutrition” in December 2021. The recommendations are intended to contribute to the discussion on the planned national action plan for the implementation of the Child Guarantee in Germany. […]

Cover Machbar-Bericht und Veranstaltung

Machbar-Report and conference

Today the conference for the presentation and discussion of the new “Machbar” report (“Feasable” report) of the Network 2030 took place. The main topic of the report is the nexus of nutrition, health, poverty and climate. The AGF is a member of Network 2030 and supported the report and the conference. The complex connections between nutrition, health and climate are […]

Law on full day child care is coming – Work on the quality of all-day programs for elementary school children must begin

[10. 09. 2021] The family organisations united in the AGF welcome the fact that, with today’s decision by the Bundesrat, the entitlement to all-day care for children of primary school age has been passed before the end of this legislative period. Now the work on the quality of the offer, which has received too little attention in the law, must […]