Deckblatt Kitaqualität

Position paper on high quality child care

[7. 4. 2016] On occasion of the current debate on quality child care facilities AGF has published a position paper. The German family organisations aim for high quality child care facilities. Therefore in their position paper they suggest concrete criteria for quality standards. The English version of the position paper can be downloaded here Areas of action for high-quality education, […]

Meeting the additional needs of children of separated parents

[18. 3. 2016] The German Federal Council (Bundesrat) today discussed a draft bill on the simplification of the social code book II (basic social benefits). On this occasion the German family organisations ask for an benefit meeting the particular additional needs of children of separated parents, if the parents receive basic social benefits. The current draft only continues the shortage […]

Joint declaration on part time work

[7. 3. 2016] AGF has published a joint declaration with Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB), Deutscher Frauenrat (DF), Bundesforum Männer,  Zukunftsforum Familie (ZFF) an Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) promoting improved measurements für employees who want to increase their working hours when working in partime. By this employees shall be supported, who reduced their full-time positions to part-time in times of intense familial responsibilities, […]

No restriction of family reunification for refugees!

[18. 2. 2016] The family organisations appeal to the Members of Parliament not to agree to the restrictions of family reunification as planned in the law called Asylpaket II. Children and Families will thus be forced to the dangerous flight themselves and a successful integration for those already accepted in Germany will be considerably more difficult. The unity of the […]

Family organizations call for special attention for refugee families

[22.10.2015] The German Family Organisations call for special support for refugees families and for a special attention of their particular needs regarding accommodation, care and life after their flight. This message was sent by the family organisations from their members assembly. AGF calls for recognizing refugee children and families as such. The unity of families, the safety of children and […]

AGF positions regarding a family friendly economy

[26. 5. 2015] The family organisations point out what changes are needed for a better reconciliation of work and family life, economic stability and social security for families. Working conditions are an important part of family policy, following a broad defintion. Work is often the central system in everyday family life and has deep effects back on it. Regarding the […]

Keine „Schwarze Null“ auf dem Rücken der Familien

[24. 3. 2015] (Press release unfortunatley only in German) Die in der AGF zusammengeschlossenen Familienorganisationen lehnen den Vorschlag des Finanzministers zum „Familienpaket“ als unzureichend ab. Sie fordern das Bundeskabinett anlässlich der bevorstehenden Entscheidung auf, stattdessen den Koalitionsvertrag und die verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben orientiert an den Bedürfnissen der Familien umzusetzen. „Was Herr Schäuble in puncto Kindergelderhöhung vorgeschlagen hat, geht an den Bedürfnissen […]

Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel new AGF chair

Unfortunately only available in German! [7. 1. 2015] Die AGF startet mit einer neuen Vorsitzenden in das Jahr 2015. Turnusgemäß hat die evangelische arbeitsgemeinschaft familie (eaf) zum Jahreswechsel die Federführung für die Jahre 2015 und 2016 vom Deutschen Familienverband (DFV) übernommen. Neue Vorsitzende ist Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel, Präsidentin der eaf. Die Federführung wechselt alle zwei Jahre zwischen den Mitgliedsorganisationen der AGF. […]