24.09.2018: Making a sustainable and liveable future for all

Conference and report of the network 2030 SDG of which AGF is part of. This report and conference is only available in German. Die Weltbevölkerung nimmt stetig zu und: sie wird immer städtischer. Städte gelten als Zentren der Hochtechnologie und sozio-ökonomischer Chancen. Viele Menschen in Deutschland wie auch in den Ländern des globalen Südens zieht es in die Städte. Durch […]

“Good ECEC law” unfortunately is not a good ECEC law

[18. 9. 2018] On the occasion of the “Gute-Kita-Gesetz” (Good Childcare Act), which is to be passed by the Federal Cabinet tomorrow, the organisations within the Association of German Family Organisations regret that the government is missing its targets with its draft bill. “With good intentions, the Minister of Family Affairs has once set out to improve the provision of […]

Joint letter on reunification of refugee families

[11. 6. 2018] On occasion of the public hearing and the parliamentary process on the reunification of refugee families AGF, the Federation of German Trade Unions, Diakonie Germany, the German league for the child, the Association of German Development NGOs and the Central Committee of German Catholics pledge jointly for not accepting the draft proposal on further limitation of reunification. […]

Draft law on Reunifaction of refugee families should be reworked

[8. 5. 2018] The family organisations ask the members of the federal cabinet to rework the draft law on the subsequent immigration of refugee families and not to agree on the restriction of reunification. Instead of juggling with abstract numbers on the back of the families, Germany should help to protect families from crises areas and war zones. „The ruling […]

AGF family organisations for a better quality in kindergartens

[29. 8. 2017] In regard of the 10th anniversary of the so called ‘Krippengipfel’ from 2007, which led to an entitlement for children under three years to attend a kindergarten, and in combination with the current Ländermonitor of the Bertelsmann-Foundation, the family organisations emphasize the need of a high quality in early childhood education and care and therefore advocate common […]

Family organisations on fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth: Fighting child poverty is a first order task

[28. 6. 2017] Today the Fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth in Germany is presented and discussed in the German Bundestag. Against that background, the family organsation represented by AGF appeal to make the fight against child poverty a first order task, which also finds its way into the next coalition agreement and therefore has to be consequently followed in […]

Fighting child poverty with a general action plan

[2. 6. 2017] In regard of todays debate in the Bundestag about the Fifth Report on Poverty and Wealth in Germany, AGF and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk point out the necessity of a comprehensive action plan against child poverty, combining the forces of all relevant ministries. In a letter to the chairs of the parties and groups represented in Bundestag as well […]

Refugees must have a right to family reunification!

[28. 4. 2017] The General Assembly of AGF appeals to the German Bundestag to take care of the unity of the family also for refugees.  Regarding its plenary session, at which such a proposal of the opposition parties was said to be discussed, the family organisations of AGF called for a rollback of the given limits for family reunification for […]

Position on draft law on Reform of maternity law

The revised maternity law now aims to include students and self-employed women and also aims to give more decision options to the pregnant and nursing women instead of a general employment ban. On this occasion, AGF recalls its statement on the draft law. The statement makes a differentiated approach on the challenge to balance the freedom of the pregnant and […]